


甲、乙、丙、丁4位自然人签订协议,投资设立生产性有限责任公司,注册资本人民币45万元,甲、乙、丙3人均以货币投资,投资额分别为10万、10万、5万,丁以专利技术投资,专利技术目前已经向国家专利局进行申报,但尚未拿到专利证书,该项专利协议作价20万元。同时协议还作了如下规定。 (1) 公司章程由丁独自起草,无须股东会审议通过。 (2) 公司不设董事会,只设执行董事,甲为执行董事,并担任法人代表和公司总经理。 (3) 由甲提议乙担任公司财务负责人并兼任公司监事。 (4) 公司成立后,不足资金通过发生公司债券筹集,并计划发行公司债券200万元。 (5) 公司修改公司章程或与其他公司合并时,须经全体股东的过半数通过。 (6) 公司前3年无论盈利与否,均不提取盈余公积。 要求:根据以上资料,结合公司法的规定,分析说明该协议有哪些不当之处,并说明理由。


如图所示,实验室所用的托盘天平是测量_________ 的工具;水的密度为ρ =1.0×103 kg /m3,将一杯水倒出一半以后,剩余水的密度为_________ kg/m3


完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)

A few years ago I was at an international conference with nearly 700 participants. One afternoon I_a very crowded talk by a famous author. The hall filled quickly and soon there were no  2  left , so many dozens of people were standing around the edges.

I saw a very elderly man, stooped(驼背的) slightly with age,  3  against the wall. I immediately got up, told those sitting beside me to  4  the place for him and made my way to him. When I offered my seat to him , he looked  5   and started to refuse , but I would have   6  of that. He asked me my name and thanked me deeply, and then made his  7  back into my row and sat comfortably. Many people who  8  our exchange turned to say what a kind thing I had done. I kept saying , “it’s nothing  9  . I m from Canada, it’s normal for us to help other people!” 

A few minutes later, the man sitting next to the elderly man  10  to leave the hall for another talk and the elderly man   11  to me to return and sit beside him.   12  I resisted, thinking someone else might need it more, but people sitting around him started to repeat my  13 , asking me to come and sit! So I returned and sat beside the gentleman for the  14  .

when the talk was over ,the man thanked me again and  15  asked if I knew who he was . I had no idea. He then looked quite delighted and  16  me a household name that I recognized immediately!

I was astonished to have been sitting next to him,  17  he was excited to think I had given up my seat for him  18  knowing who he was! Again I had to tell him where I come from , and it’s the  19  thing to do! I have felt more blessed to be a Canadian since that day, for seeing how easy it is to  20  someone and how rare it seemed to so many people.

1. A. missed            B. gave           C. expected         D. attended

2. A. seats             B. rooms         C. topics           D. rows

3. A. turning            B. walking        C. leaning          D. lying

4. A. move             B. spare          C. take             D. hold

5. A. glad              B. satisfied        C. disappointed       D. surprised

6. A. nothing           B. none          C. something        D. anything

7. A. living           B. fortune          C. direction          D. way

8. A. witnessed        B. confirmed         C. remembered        D. experienced

9. A. easy            B. popular           C. special           D. funny

10. A. agreed          B. refused            C. chose            D. forgot

11. A. sent             B. signaled            C. rolled             D. said

12. A. At last           B. At least            C. At most           D. At first

13. A. action            B. name             C. dream            D. address

14. A. game            B. discussion          C. course           D. talk  

15. A. quietly           B. loudly.              C. proudly           D. angrily  

16. A. shared            B. told                C. asked             D. answered  

17. A. as if              B. even if             C. so                D .but  

18. A. by               B. without              C. through           D. after

19. A. strange           B. secret               C. normal            D. hard  

20. A. help              B. accept              C. praise            D. trust   


If you were to pass a stopper on a wire rope,what should the stopper be made of?()












