
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题







题型:问答题 简答题

2011年,我们将迎来中 * * 党建党90周年。90载艰苦卓绝,90载荣耀辉煌。中 * * 党团结带领全国各族人民战胜各种艰难险阻,谱写了中 * * 自强不息、实现复兴的奋斗凯歌。站起来——富起来——逐步强起来,这一串震古烁今的赫然印迹,昭示了中 * * 伟大复兴的光辉前景。

运用《政治生活》的有关知识,说明中 * * 党为什么能够领导中国人民“站起来——富起来——逐步强起来”?(8分)

题型:问答题 简答题
     When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to Disneyland in America.It wasn't the first time I had
been __1__.Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often been to France, so I
was __2__ to speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand __3__.But when I went to
America, I was really looking forward to __4__ a nice easy holiday without any __5__ problems.
     How wrong I was! The __6__ began at the airport.I was looking for a __7__ telephone to give my
friend Diana a __8__ and tell her that I had arrived.A(n) __9__ old man saw me looking lost and asked if
he could __10__ me. "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring." "Well, that's nice," he said. "Are you
getting __11__?  But aren't you a bit __12__? " "Who is talking about marriage? " I replied. "I just want to
give my friend a ring to tell her I've arrived.Can you tell me where there's a phone box? " "Oh! " he said,
"There's a phone downstairs."
     When at last we did meet up, Diana __13__ the misunderstanding to me. "Don't worry," she said to
me, "I had so many __14__ at first.There are lots of words which the Americans __15__ differently in
meaning from us British.You'll soon get used to all the funny things they say.Most of the time, British and
American people understand each other! "
( )1. A.abroad    
( )2. A.pleased    
( )3. A.English
( )4. A.buying   
( )5. A.time     
( )6. A.difficulty
( )7. A.cheap   
( )8. A.letter   
( )9. A.angry      
( )10. A.lead      
( )11. A.caught    
( )12. A.young  
( )13. A.explained
( )14. A.trouble
( )15. A.write  
B. lost        
B. used        
B. French
B. having
B. human
B. problem    
B. popular
B. ring   
B. familiar    
B. help        
B. hurt        
B. old  
B. said        
B. difficulties
B. speak
C. confused        
C. surprised     
C. Russian       
C. giving       
C. language      
C. misunderstanding
C. public       
C. news          
C. wise            
C. guide          
C. lost            
C. little       
C. told            
C. things      
C. use        
D. successful  
D. able        
D. Latin        
D. receiving    
D. money        
D. argument    
D. good        
D. information  
D. friendly    
D. show        
D. married      
D. small        
D. illuminated  
D. fun          
D. read        
题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题

