










下列关于原始大气的说法,不正确的是      [ ]






甲、乙、丙拟共同出资设立一家有限责任公司 (以下简称公司),并共同制定了公司章程草案。该公司章程草案有关要点如下: (1)公司注册资本总额为600万元。各方出资数额、出资方式以及缴付出资的时间分别为:甲出资180万元,其中:货币出资70万元、计算机软件作价出资110万元,首次货币出资20万元,其余货币出资和计算机软件出资自公司成立之日起1年内缴足;乙出资150万元,其中:机器设备作价出资100万元、特许经营权出资50万元, 自公司成立之日起6个月内一次缴足;丙以货币270万元出资,首次货币出资90万元,其余出资自公司成立之日起2年内缴付100万元,第3年缴付剩余的 80万元。 (2)公司的董事长由甲委派,副董事长由乙委派,经理由丙提名并经董事会聘任,经理作为公司的法定代表人。在公司召开股东会会议时,出资各方行使表决权的比例为:甲按照注册资本30%的比例行使表决权;乙、丙分别按照注册资本35%的比例行使表决权。 (3)公司需要增加注册资本时,出资各方按照在股东会行使表决权的比例优先认缴出资;公司分配红利时,出资各方依照以下比例进行分配:甲享有红利25%的分配权;乙享有红利40%的分配权;丙享有红利35%的分配权。 要求:根据上述内容,分别回答下列问题: (1)公司成立前出资人的首次出资总额是否符合公司法的有关规定并说明理由。公司出资人的货币出资总额是否符合公司法的有关规定并说明理由。甲以计算机软件和乙以特许经营权出资的方式是否符合有关规定并分别说明理由。甲、乙、丙分期缴纳出资的时间是否符合公司法的有关规定并分别说明理由。 (2)公司的法定代表人由经理担任是否符合公司法的有关规定并说明理由。公司章程规定的出资各方在公司股东会会议上行使表决权的比例是否符合公司法的有关规定并说明理由。 (3)公司章程规定增加注册资本时,不按照出资比例优先认缴出资是否违反公司法的有关规定并说明理由。公司章程规定的出资各方分红比例是否符合公司法的有关规定并说明理由。




Members of Parliament (MPs) warned that the privacy(隐藏)of thousands of mobile phone users is in danger today because of Google's new tracking system. In a motion(提案),they also warned that the system offers live tracking of mobiles through a website and called on Google to examine the service.

The Latitude system can find where a user is . This is then broadcasted live to Google's website. Once the service is activated , the position of a person's phone appears as a blue dot on a map on the screen of whoever is allowed to monitor(监控)them . The Latitude feature is being developed by Google as a "fun" way to "keep tabs on someone special", More than a million users around the world have already signed up to the service, Google claims .

However, concerns have been raised about the system. MPs have written to Google demanding extra security(安全) safeguards on the service。

Mr. Brake , one of the MPs who raised the motion, said , "In Britain, we have a tradition of fighting for our freedom. With this new system we face a threat to it . I demand MPs to support this motion and encourage the Government to take action to ensure that Latitude does not represent a threat to our privacy. or our freedom could be in danger."

Google today insisted there was no threat to privacy .It said it was up to users to decide whether to make their location visible to other people and to decide who could monitor their position .The service was designed to help people keep in touch .

However , human rights watchdog Privacy International analyzed the service and claimed it was open to abuse(滥用). Its report claimed employers could supply employees with phones already set up to use the service without their knowledge, or that users could simply sign up their partner's or child's mobile phone without telling them .

49.MPs’ reactions to the tracking system are the following EXCEPT that___________-.

A.they have raised a motion

B.they have required Google to examine the service

C.they hope that the Government will take some measures

D.they are trying to get help from other countries

50.The underlined part “keep tabs on” in paragraph 2 probably means_________.

A.phone       B.support     C.test    D.monitor

51.Why have so many people signed up to use the new tracking system?

A.They want to know each other’s privacy.

B.They think it is fun and can help them keep in touch.

C.They can get it at a lower price.

D.It’s convenient to travel across the world.

52.The Google’s attitude to the new tracking system is__________.

A.regretful   B.polite         C.doubtful     D.positive


在真核生物中所有的rRNA都是由RNA聚合酶工转录的。 ( )
