Actually, though, America, the "land of im



Actually, though, America, the "land of immigrants", has always had people of many different nationalities and languages. The 1990 census indicates that almost 14% of Americans speak a non English language at home. Yet only 3% reported that they spoke English "not well" or "not at all". That means that slightly more than one out of 10 Americans could be considered bilingual.
Besides that, many high school, college students, and even some elementary school students are required to take a foreign language as a part of their curriculum. In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages. Of course, not all students keep up their foreign language abilities. As the old saying goes, " If you don’t use it. " But still, a growing number of Americans are coming to appreciate the benefits of being multilingual.
Ethnic enclaves, found particularly in major metropolitan centers, have preserved the language and culture of American immigrants. Some local residents can function quite well in their native language, without having to bother learning English. Regions such as southern Florida and the Southwest have numerous Spanish speaking neighborhoods. In fact, Spanish speakers—numbering over 17 million—compose the largest non English linguistic group in America. But Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, Polish and many other ethnic group add to the linguistic flavor of America. Foreign languages are so commonly used in some ethnic neighborhoods that visitors might think they are in another country!
Although some Americans welcome this linguistic and cultural diversity, others have begun to fear that the English language is being threatened. Since the 1980s, the "English Only" movement has sought to promote legislation which would establish English as the "official language" and restrict the use of non English language. However, some groups, including TESOL, the organization for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Language, object to such "language restrictionism". Their view, known as "English Plus", suggests that Americans should have respect for people’s native language and help them fit into the mainstream of society. But so far, 19 states have passed English Only legislation, and the topic is the focus of an ongoing debate.
Whether or not English is the official language of the United States, it remains the "language of wider communication". Nearly everyone recognizes the need to develop proficiency in English in order to do well in America. To help those who want to brush up on their English skills, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes around. Cities with large numbers of recent immigrants often set up bilingual education programs to teach students content subjects in their native language while they improve their English. Language educators often have p and divergent views as to which approach helps learners achieve better results: a bilingual approach, an ESL approach or even a pure immersion ("sink or swim") approach. However, all these teachers share a common commitment: to help students function well in English.
Americans recognize that English is the international language, and people with good English skills can get by in many international settings. On the other hand, in a world growing increasingly smaller, second language skills can be a great favor. They can build cross cultural bridges and give people an edge in a variety of career field. Indeed, lack of foreign language proficiency can limit one’s chances for advancement and keep one in a cultural dead end street. As many people in America are discovering, being monolingual is no laughing matter.

The general idea of this passage is ______.

A.the importance of being bilingual
B.the need to speak the native languages
C.English—a language widely spoken around the world
D.the English Only movement



1.日本、台湾位于            板块交界处;

2.喜马拉雅山以及汶川地震、玉树地震位于      板块与      板块交界处;


被鉴定人严某,女,26岁,初中文化程度。2005年4月30日持自家的菜刀将刚出生的婴儿杀死,然后割腕自杀被家人阻止而关人看守所。 调查材料如下:严某2001年在深圳打工与丈夫相识后恋爱,于2004年10月结婚。婚后夫妻感情一般,与婆媳及其他亲戚的关系尚可。严某平时聪明能干,个性较内向。2006年4月9日晚产下一女婴,生产后出现中度贫血,睡眠不好,食欲差,思念娘家的人,想回老家或让其母亲来陪她未果,有时想娘家的人独自流泪。2006年4月30日上午8时许,严某持自家的菜刀将刚出生的婴儿杀死,然后准备割腕自杀被家人阻止。在看守所,严某表现心情忧愁、闷闷不乐,流露出想死的念头,睡眠不好,食欲缺乏。 精神检查:意识清楚,接触被动,问话对答欠中肯。检查未发现幻觉及妄想;情绪低落,表情忧伤,自诉生小孩回丈夫家后,睡眠不好,紧张、担心、担心小孩生病,不知道怎么将小孩养大;自称自己患上产后"压抑症";自认为自己太爱自己的女儿了,自己怀孕很辛苦,看到小孩一有风吹草动就紧张、担心小孩感冒;思念娘家的人,想回老家又回不成,想母亲来陪又来不成,心情不好,睡不好、吃不好,有时流泪。自认为自己怀小孩太辛苦,生下小孩的一刻自己很幸福,没有理由杀死小孩;觉得自己很疲劳,体力下降,精神不好,担心把小孩养不好,没有重男轻女的思想。因此想自己死了算了,想将女儿杀死后自己再自杀。自知力缺乏。























