注意:下面出现的“考生文件夹”均为c:\wexam\25160001。 请根据以下各



注意:下面出现的“考生文件夹”均为c:\wexam\25160001。 请根据以下各小题的要求设计Visual Basic应用程序(包括界面和代码)。 (1) 在名称为Form1的窗体上画一个标签,名称为L1,标签上显示“请输入密码”,在标签的右边画一个文本框,名称为Text1,其宽和高分别为2000和300,设置适当的属性使得在输入密码时,文本框中显示“*”字符,此外再把窗体的标题设置为“密码窗口”,以上这些设置都只能在属性窗口中进行设置,运行时的窗体如图20-1所示。 注意:存盘时必须存放在考生文件夹下,工程文件名为sjt1.vbp,窗体文件名为sjt1.frm。 (2) 在名称为Form1的窗体上画一个图片框,名称为P1。请编写适当的事件过程,使得在运行时,每单击图片框一次,就在图片框中输出“单击图片框”一次,每单击图片框外的窗体一次,就在窗体中输出“单击窗体”一次,如图20-2所示。要求程序中不得使用变量,每个事件过程中只能写一条语句。 注意:存盘时必须存放在考生文件夹下,工程文件名为sjt2.vbp,窗体文件名为sjt2.frm。


一次函数y=(m+3)x+2中,y随x的增大而减小,m的取值范围是(  )





圆柱的底面半径扩大到原来的3倍,高不变,圆柱的体积扩大到原来的(  )


材料一 有关专家通过模拟区域气候情景,对新疆.甘肃.青海等省区气温与降水变化进行了预测。结果显示,未来10~50年间,中国西北地区平均气温升高了2.7℃,年均降水量增加了25%,大部分地区可望逐年湿润起来。

材料二 北疆和南疆年平均降水量的变化情况及阿克苏河(塔里木河的主源)年平均径流量的变化情况图。

材料三 塔里木盆地博斯腾湖的水位和面积变化情况







The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

Congressman Hastings has proposed that Congress should abolish the Electoral College system for electing the president and replace it with a system of direct popular election. The Electoral College system is flawed, he argues, because it runs directly counter to the democratic principle that every citizen’s vote should count equally.

Because of the winner-take-all system in which the candidate who receives the most popular votes in a state receives all of that state’s electoral votes, the citizens who voted for the losing candidate are effectively disenfranchised from the national election, even if their candidate lost the state by only a handful of votes. Moreover, because each state’s number of electors is the same as its number of members of Congress, the citizens of small states get a disproportionately larger vote than citizens of more populous states. In the 1988 election, for example, the combined voting-age population of the six least populous states--Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming--was 3,119,000. These six states held 21 electoral votes among them. Florida, with a voting-age population of 9,614,000, also had 21 electoral votes. Because of inequities of this nature, there have been four presidential elections in which the candidate who won the Electoral College actually lost the popular vote: 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000.

Congressman Markham has argued that Hastings’s proposed changes are unnecessary and even dangerous. First of all, he argues, the Electoral College system, whatever its flaws, has resulted in a stable democratic government for more than 200 years, which shows that it is doing something right. Second, the winner-take-all system helps create decisive majorities in the Electoral College, thereby reducing the problem of disputed elections that we might see in the event of direct popular elections. Third, the current system of allocating electors helps protect the interests of small states, which would be largely neglected in favor of large states if the Electoral College were based entirely on population. Protecting these states’ rights is essential to upholding the principle of federalism (in which the states and the federal government maintain distinct powers).

When the Electoral College system was first formalized by the Twelfth Amendment in 1804, a direct popular vote would have been impossible to implement, and the Electoral College was probably the best way to approximate the will of the people. Advances in technology and communication, however, now mean that a direct popular vote would be as simple, if not simpler, to administer than the current Electoral College system. Alternative ways to reform the system would be to do away with the winner-take-all system of state electors, to base the numbers of electors strictly on state populations, or to have a direct popular election but to weight the votes from different states differently in order to preserve the influence of small states.

Which of the following examples from international politics, if true, would give Markham the most support in his argument against Hastings ?()

A. A nation in Africa that modeled its government on the American governmental system after achieving independence from a European colonial power recently entered into a civil war that has effectively ended any true democratic processes.

B. The ancient city-state of Athens had a form of direct popular election in the fifth century B.C., but this government fell as a result of the Peloponnesian War that Athens fought against Sparta.

C. A South American nation that deposed its long-standing military dictatorship and instituted in its place a democratic government with a president elected through a direct popular election has experienced both economic growth and improved relations with the international community.

D. A nation in Central Europe that recently changed its government from a long- standing parliamentary monarchy to a government led by a popularly elected premier was recently thrown into chaos when the popularly elected premier declared a dictatorship.

E. The system of proportional power sharing by the members of the European Union has resulted in a number of thorny disputes between member states that will probably grow more severe as new nations from Eastern Europe enter the EU.






