When additional or excess reserves are inj



When additional or excess reserves are injected into the U.S. banking system, the money supply can potentially increase by an amount equal to the additional excess reserves multiplied by which of the following()

A. Reciprocal of one minus the required reserve ratio.

B. Reciprocal of the required reserve ratio.

C. Reciprocal of the potential deposit expansion multiplier.


任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)

Language is always changing and developing. This isn’t a bad thing. If English hadn’t changed for a long time, we won’t have words to describe telephones, washing machines, computers or some other new things.

Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speaker change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences need new words to express them clearly. Another reason for change is that different people have different language experiences. People use different sets of words and expressions, because they have different ages, jobs, education levels(水平) and so on.

How does language develop then? On the one hand, many of the languages changes begin with young people. When young people communicate with others of their own age, their language grows in grammar, words and expressions that are different from the older people’s. Some have a short lifetime but others can influence the language for long. On the other hand, we get new words in many different ways. We borrow them from other languages, we create them by making words shorter or combining words and we make them out of proper names.

Languages that don’t change over time are considered dead languages. The fact that English changes so much shows that it is alive and well.

小题1:What does the writer think of the change and development of language?

He thinks it is                       .

小题2:Why do people use different sets of words and expressions according to the passage?

Because their          and education levels are different.

小题3:How many reasons for language change are mentioned in this passage?

The writer mentions          reasons.

小题4:How do young people help develop language?

They do it when they                  others of their own age.

小题5: What is considered a dead language according to the passage?

The one that                   over time is considered a dead language.


HAMA量表评分大部分项目采用0—4分的5级评分法,其中4表示( )。






证券交易所的会员是指经国家有关部门批准设立、具有法人资格、依法可从事证券交易及相关业务并取得证券交易所会籍的境内证券公司和取得B股特别席位的境外证券经营机构。( )








