【说明4.1】 假设两个队列共享一个循环向量空间(如图1-2所示),其类型Queue



【说明4.1】 假设两个队列共享一个循环向量空间(如图1-2所示),其类型Queue2定义如下:typedef struct { DateType data [MaxSize]; int front[2],rear[2]; }Queue2; 对于i=0或1,front[i]和rear[i]分别为第i个队列的头指针和尾指针。函数.EnQueue (Queue2*Q,int i,DaleType x)的功能是实现第i个队列的入队操作。 【函数4.1】 int EnQueue(Queue2 * Q, int i, DateType x) { /*若第i个队列不满,则元素x入队列,并返回1;否则,返回0*/ if(i<0‖i>1) return 0; if(Q->rear[i]==Q->front[ (1) ] return 0; Q->data[ (2) ]=x; Q->rear[i]=[ (3) ]; return 1; } 【说明4.2】 函数BTreeEqual(BinTreeNode*T1,BinTtneNode*T2)的功能是递归法判断两棵二叉树是否相等,若相等则返回1,否则返回0。函数中参数T1和T2分别为指向这两棵二叉树根结点的指针。当两棵树的结构完全相同,并且对应结点的值也相同时,才被认为相等。 已知二叉树中的结点类型BinTreeNode定义为: struct BinTreeNode { char data; BinTreeNode * left, * right; }; 其中dau为结点值域,leR和risht分别为指向左、右子女结点的指针域, 【函数4.2】 int BTreeEqual(BinTreeNode * T1, BinTreeNode * T2) { if(Ti == NULL && T2 == NULL)return 1 /*若两棵树均为空,则相等*/ else if( (4) )return 0; /*若一棵为空一棵不为空,则不等*/ else if( (5) ) return 1; /*若根结点值相等并且左、右子树*//*也相等,则两棵树相等,否则不等*/ else return 0; }




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     It seems like everywhere a person goes there is at least one person with a cell phone to his ear. Even
in places   1   cell phone usage is banned such as concert halls or movie theatres there is the   2   offender, or at least a few people using the text messaging feature   3   their phones.
    Cell phone usage has   4   over the past decade and continues to rise. Nearly 200   5   people in the
United States have cell phones and there are   6   over one billion users worldwide. That means there are
a lot of phones   7   their frequencies over the airwaves at any given time.
    Concern has arisen over whether or not cell phone usage   8   harm a person's health. Brain cancer
rates in the United States have risen since call phones were   9  , leading some people to wonder if cell
phone usage is the reason for the   10  .
     Some people say the biggest danger   11   cell phones isn't from the either real or perceived potential
to develop cancer, but from   12   while using the cell phone. How many of us have seen vehicles
driving   13   erratically (不稳定地) down the road. And we often see when we get near the vehicle the
driver on a cell phone is   14   on a cell phone. It is a proven fact that a driver on a cell phone is   15  
attentive and more likely to get in an accident. And, hands-free sets aren't the   16   that some people
may believe. Yes, they   17   both hands for driving and prevent a person from getting a sore (酸疼的)
arm,   18   the driver's mind is still   19   the conversation and therefore less attentive to what is   20  
around him or her on the road.
( )1. A. which    
( )2. A. busy    
( )3. A. under    
( )4. A. been exploded
( )5. A. millions   
( )6. A. well    
( )7. A. delivering
( )8. A. may      
( )9. A. allowed  
( )10. A. increase
( )11. A. with    
( )12. A. attention
( )13. A. quite  
( )14. A. using  
( )15. A. more    
( )16. A. problem
( )17. A. hold up
( )18. A. therefore
( )19. A. taken up  
( )20. A. happening to
B. where  
B. always
B. on    
B. exploded
B. millions of
B. good  
B. carrying
B. must  
B. invented
B. decline  
B. before
B. attractive
B. almost
B. talking
B. less  
B. question
B. pick up  
B. as    
B. filled by
B. going on
C. there  
C. occasional
C. from  
C. been exploding
C. million  
C. better
C. taking
C. can    
C. introduced
C. improvement
C. in  
C. careless
C. hardly
C. moving  
C. least  
C. mean  
C. put up
C. but    
C. occupied with
C. talking about
D. here          
D. occasionally  
D. to            
D. exploding      
D. million of    
D. best          
D. sending        
D. should        
D. bought        
D. rose          
D. on            
D. inattentiveness
D. nearly        
D. handing        
D. fewer          
D. answer        
D. free up        
D. though        
D. picked up      
D. moving about  