




Bruce Alberts, the former President of the National Academies (USA), has now taken over as Editor-in Chief of Science. Judging by his editorial in this week’s issue Considering Science Education there could be some interesting times ahead in Science offices.

Here’s part of what Bruce has to say about science education…

I consider science education to be critically important to both science and the world, and I shall frequently deal with this topic on this page. Let’s start with a big-picture view. Science has greatly advanced our understanding of the natural world and has enabled the creation of countless medicines and useful devices. It has also led to behaviors that have improved lives. The public appreciates these practical benefits of science, and science and scientists are generally respected, even by those who are not familiar with how science works or what exactly it has discovered.

But society may less appreciate the advantage of having everyone acquire the ways of thinking and behaving that are central to practice of successful science: scientific habits of mind. These habits include a critical attitude toward established claims and a strong desire for logic and evidence. As famous astronomer Carl Sagan put it, science is our best detector (检测器). Individuals and societies clearly need a means to logically test the constant clever attempts to operate our purchasing and political decisions. They also need to challenge what is unreasonable, including the intolerance that led to so many regional and global conflicts.

So how does this relate of science education? Might it be possible to encourage, across the world, scientific habits of mind, so as to create more rational (理性的) societies everywhere? In principle, a strong expansion of science education could provide the world with such an opportunity, but only if scientists, educators, and policy-makers redefine (重新定义) the goals of science education, beginning with college-level teaching. Rather than only conveying what science has discovered about the natural world, as is done now in most countries, we should provide first all students with the knowledge and practice of how to think like a scientist.

小题1: Which of the following is NOT included in the “scientific habits of mind”?

A.A critical attitude toward established claims.

B.A strong desire for logic.

C.A clever and active mind.

D.A strong desire for evidence.小题2: What does the underlined phrase “such an opportunity” refer to in the last paragraph?

A.To create more rational societies everywhere.

B.To relate decision-making to science education.

C.To encourage science education around the world.

D.To set right goals of science education.小题3:In Bruce Alberts’ opinion, which is the most important in science education?

A.Offering all students enough practice to drill their mind.

B.Equipping all students with a thinking model of a scientist.

C.Telling students what science has discovered about the natural world.

D.Advising all students to challenge all established scientific achievements.小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A.Bruce Alberts, a great science educator

B.Science education and world peace

C.The government and science education

D.Bruce Alberts’ opinion on science education










甲、乙、丙、丁四被告都是已成年的男子。一天他们一起喝酒,甲提出到江边的货船上盗窃财物,乙、丙、丁表示同意,甲遂分派乙去准备匕首和自行车,丁去窥视作案地形。入夜后,甲、乙、丁三被告聚集在一起,由丁带领到一艘装有出口衣料的货船上,盗得出口布料三捆,价值人民币3000余元;第二天,甲要乙去找丙想办法销赃,乙找到丙后,丙一再表示不干,乙说“上船容易下船难,不去小心你的狗命”。丙出于无奈,遂把赃物卖掉,所得赃款由四被告平分。 问:在本案中,谁是主犯谁是从犯谁是胁从犯并说明理由。



如果X未经产权人同意,擅自安装了天线,对于该行为正确的说法是( )。




