
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题



材料一 李鸿章问:“阁下对贵国舍旧服而仿欧俗,抛弃本国独立精神而甘受欧洲支配,难道一点都不感到羞耻? ”森有礼回答:“相反,我们对这些变革感到骄傲:这些变革绝对不是受外力强迫,完全是我国自己决定的,……只要发现长处就要取之用于我国。”


材料二 (明治维新时)改革的动力是西化……英国模式自然作为铁路、电信、公共建筑和市政工程、纺织工业以及许多商业方法方面的模范;法国模式用来改革法制、改革军事(后来采用普鲁士模式),海军当然还是学习英国;大学则归功于美国。日本聘请的外国专家——在日本人的监督下,从1875年—1876年的五六百人,上升到1890年的三千人左右。                  


材料三 康有为等人想以日本明治维新的要义为蓝图,在中国推行变法。但是没有认识到日本与中国国情不同,所处的国际环境不同等许多特点,而是机械地照搬日本的经验,只是从形式上学习,并没有掌握明治维新的真正“要义”。





题型:问答题 简答题

Student Services

Students' Union

Every University has a Students' Union. If students are the lifeblood of a university, the Union is surely its beating heart.

For students, by students

A Students’ Union is run by students and acts independently. At the end of each academic year, it will find six students to hold a sabbatical(带有休假的) position managing the Union for the coming year. That the six successful sabbatical officers have only recently experienced issues affecting students ensures that your needs are very well understood.

Letting your hair down

Although the University is spread across a fairly wide area, the Union is centrally located and is only a short walk from any of the main buildings. This makes it very easy to catch up with friends who might be on a different course.

At night, the place really comes alive – we have three different bars to suit every occasion. The venues are student-only so you can be sure of meeting people with a similar outlook and we throw in a transport service to make sure you get home safely.

The Union also organizes various formal balls throughout the year, with the highlight being the end-of-year ball.

Supporting you

Beyond having fun, we also make sure some of the more serious issues are effectively dealt with. If you have a problem with your course, another sabbatical officer is trained to help you. Being independent from the University means we can represent and support you to the best of our ability, and once you reach university you may find that you become aware of more national or political issues.

小题1:From the second paragraph of the passage, we can infer that ______.

A.a Students’ Union is operated by the university

B.a Students’ Union is not operated by the university

C.a Students’ Union is operated is working for the university

D.a Students’ Union is affected by the university小题2: The person who takes up a certain post of the Students’ Union ______.

A.learns what the students need

B.is very happy and easy

C.can affect the life of any student

D.has understood everything of the University小题3:According to the third paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A.a Students’ Union is far away from the university

B.a Students’ Union is near to the home

C.a Students’ Union is central part of the university

D.a Students’ Union has different courses for all the students小题4:From the passage, we can learn that ______ is the most wonderful program of every year.

A.making friends

B.dancing in a bar

C.the match of the end-year ball

D.electing the officers小题5:After reading the last two parts, we can infer that _______.

A.the Students’ Union can help a student who has trouble in the study

B.the Students’ Union can help a student who is being trained

C.the Students’ Union can cultivate the ability of a student to be suitable for political position

D.the Students’ Union can support a student to run the University

题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题






