()是影响计算机安全性的安全设置的组合。 A.安全策略 B.审核策略 C.帐户策略










In its latest move to fight online piracy (盗版), the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has shut down hundreds of BT file-sharing websites,    36   the popular BTChina.net. The name BT is short for BitTorrent, one of the most common   37    methods used in   38   . As a result of     39    , the more people who download the same thing, the   40   the downloads get. BT sharing has been the means of choice for users to trade software , music, movies, and digital books, TV dramas and pirated DVDS and CDs. These BT sites were shut down either for operating without a    41   , or for copyright problems.

The closure of BT sites has    42     millions of young Chinese netizens. Liu Pei, a 27-year-old IT engineer who visits BTChina most nights to get a    43     movie, was upset by the change. “It was so popular and I can’t believe it has   44    from my life overnight,” he told China Daily newspaper. The shutdown might have an immediate   45    on the amount of downloads, but over time it will   46     quickly, according to Hurvitz, a member of the foreign counsel (法律顾问) for Kangxin Partners PC.

Netizens are beginning to search for new download   47    . “The problem is, if you shut down the top    48    BitTorrent sites, then people are simply going to go to number three, number four or number five on the list,” Hurvitz said. Whether netizens like it or not, SARFT said the    49     sites will have to solve the “copyright (版权) problem” if they want to reopen. Copyright should be   50   . If you don’t pay for    51    , investors lose money. Then no one will make movies in the future, experts say.

In the future, some    52    say, the concept of “downloading” will disappear. The Internet’s future is completely “online”, a founder of one software downloading website told Information Times. Eventually, you may not have to bother downloading content to your computer, but just   53   it online, the founder said. But the concept of “copyright” will still be there, inspiring talented people to create    54      things, in which they take pride, and from which they make    55   .

36. A. except     B. beside        C .but        D. including

37. A. upload     B. download      C. reading      D. listening

38. A. England          B. America        C. China     D. India

39. A. sharing     B. broadcasting      C. selling     D. purchasing

40. A. less         B. worse           C. slower     D. faster

41. A. leader      B. monitor         C. license          D. computer

42.A. satisfied     B. disappointed      C. excited       D. touched

43.A. sad          B. foreign         C. paid       D. free

44. A. developed    B. destroyed      C. deferred     D. disappeared

45. A. effect      B. affect         C. impression  D. advantage

46. A. rebuild     B. recover         C. disappear    D. spread

47. A. ways     B. methods       C. sites       D. experts

48. A. two       B. three          C. four       D. five

49. A. popular     B. reopened      C. opened       D. closed

50. A. remembered B. protected      C. argued          D. discussed

51. A. movies    B. plays          C. songs      D. music

52. A. teachers          B. experts          C. engineers    D. students

53. A. buy         B. sell            C. download   D. enjoy

54. A. strange     B. popular         C. new       D. old

55. A. money      B. future         C. friends          D. information


2008年3月,李某从某销售公司购买轿车一辆供自己使用,支付含增值税的价款221000元,另支付购置工具件和零配件价款1000元,车辆装饰费4000元,销售公司代收保险费等8000元,支付的各项价款均由销售公司开具统一发票。李某应纳车辆购置税税额( )元。






---___      _? ---It’s hard to say. If there were no examinations, I should have a much happier time at school.

A.Are you a student

B.Do you like school life

C.Did you have spare time

D.Would you like English


下列关于举证期限的说法中正确的是哪项( )







