
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题


     Do you like Hunan TV shows? What do you think of them? A popular TV show may have 70, 000,

000 TV viewers (观众). A TV show can make something or someone  well-knownovernight ( 一夜成名 ) .  

     That's why more than  10 ,000 , 000  women  and girls  of 489 -years -old watch Hunan TV’s

"Super Girl" show.      

      These " game" shows put ordinary(普通的)  people onTV to play a game for prizes (奖品) and

money. These game shows can make anyone a star, and he orshe can also get lots of money, so many

people watch the shows.      

     " Super Girl"  is the first show of this kind in China. It's so close to you. Everyone can join in it.      

      For the show, many girls stop theirclasses. " They hope they can be superstars someday. But the best

way to success (成功)  is to learnmore and work hard, "  said some directors (导演). 

1. This arcicle may come from_____.   

A. a sitcom    

B. a textbook    

C. a newspaper    

D. a fashion show 

2. People like watching " Super Girl"  show, because_____. 

A. it can make some people well-known overnight

B. it can make people get lots of knowledge(如识)

C. people have nothing else to do

D. it's interesting

3. "Super Girl" show is a TV show for_____ to show their life and talent(才能) by music 

A. men and women singers    

B. superstars    

C. ordinary girls    

D. ordinary boys

4. The  oldest  (观众)  viewer in  this  show  is_____ years old.     

A. ninety-eight    

B. four    

C. eighty-nine    

D. eighty

5. Many girls don't have their classes but join in the show because they_____.

A. don't like to go to school    

B. don't want to join in the show    

C. want to be superstars    

D. think it's interesting

题型:问答题 简答题


材料  1928年6月,南京国民政府发表《对外宣言》称:“今当统一告成之际,应进一步而遵正当手续,实行重订新约,以副完成平等及相互尊重主权之宗旨。”7月,外交部提出重订新约三原则:(一)届满期者废除,另订新约;(二)未满期者以正当手续解除而重订之;(三)旧约已满期新约未定者,另订临时办法处理一切。同时宣布了改订新约的方法、步骤,此后,改订新约运动便大张旗鼓地开展起来。1928年7月,首先订立《整理中美两国关税关系之条约》,接着签订了《中德条约》,与挪威、荷兰、瑞典、英国、法国订立《关税条约》,与比利时、意大利、丹麦、葡萄牙、西班牙订立《友好通商条约》,1930年,与日本订立新的关税条约,改订新约运动结束。改订新约运动中的主要问题是关税和领事裁判权,订立新约的国家都承认了中国的关税自主权。在与比、意、丹、葡、西等国订立的《友好通商条约》中均有这样的条款:“此缔约国人民,在彼缔约国领土内,应受彼缔约国法律及法院之管辖”,说明这些国家已同意取消领事裁判权。1929年4月,南京国民政府外交部就撤废领事裁判权问题照会英、法、美、荷、挪等国驻华公使,上述各国均未明确反对。1931年5月,南京国民政府公布《管辖在华外国人实施条例》,但实施日期一再后延。一直到抗日战争期间,不平等条约才得以废除。




题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题

