下列选项中,牛膝性状特征描述正确的是() A.断面浅黄棕色或浅红棕色,显粉性,皮部有

题型:单项选择题 A1型题








题型:单项选择题 A1型题

已知F是抛物线C:y2=4x的焦点,直线l:y=k(x+1)与抛物线C交于A,B两点,记直线FA,FB的斜率分别为k1,k2,则k1+k2的值等于(  )





题型:单项选择题 A1型题

Simple living doesn’t mean that you give up your job and start living in the countryside, but it means that we spend our time, energy and efforts on important things in life. It can be good for us in some ways.

Firstly, simple living can keep your mind peaceful. It makes sure that unnecessary things are out of your life and you concentrate on the real factors that affect the quality of life. Through simple living you can see the positive side of life and won’t feel jealous and greedy.

Secondly, simple living can make you have time for your loved ones. Most of us become so busy in our lives that we forget to spend time with our dear ones. People who believe in simple living value the time spent with their loved ones.

Thirdly, simple living is helpful in the improvement of health. By choosing to be simple, you feel less stressed in daily life. Simple living gives you a new view on things and helps you join in creative activities. It allows you to devote some time to recreational activities(娱乐活动), physical exercises, etc., which help you in leading a healthy lifestyle.

Fourthly, living simply allows you to have time to look back on the precious moments in your life. It makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses. People who aimlessly pursue materialistic pleasure (物质享受)are often not sure what they exactly want from life. They never have time to analyze themselves. Simple living helps you stay happy with what life has offered you and helps in creating positives in your life.

Lastly, simple living can reduce your expenses. It can make sure that you’re doing your bit for the protection of the environment. If all of us reduce our daily expenses on electricity, fuels, etc, we’ll be able to stop the degradation (退化)of the environment.

Title: 小题1:__________ of Simple Living

● Keeping your mind小题2: __________:

Concentrating on the real factors that小题3:__________

Seeing the positive side of life and avoiding bad feelings like jealousy and greediness

● Making you have time for your loved ones

Making you小题4:__________ in your lives with your dear ones

Making you value the time spent with your loved ones

● Helping you小题5:__________

小题6:__________ your stress

Giving you a new view on things

Helping you in leading a healthy lifestyle

● Allowing you to look back on小题7:__________ in your life

Making you know your小题8:__________

Making you know what you exactly want from life

Giving you time to analyze yourself

Helping you小题9:__________with life offering you and helping in creating positives in your life

● Helping protect the environment

小题10:__________ the environment from becoming bad by reducing the use of electricity, fuels, etc.

题型:单项选择题 A1型题







题型:单项选择题 A1型题

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题型:单项选择题 A1型题

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