蒺藜、菊花、桑叶共有的功效是() A.疏风、清肺止咳 B.疏风、安神 C.疏风、止痉

题型:单项选择题 A1型题








题型:单项选择题 A1型题

Selecting a proper summer camp for your child is not an easy task. You have to consider too many factors(因素). Remember, you are sending your kid to a summer camp not just to let him enjoy himself but also to help him become confident. So you should try to select a summer camp for your kid so that after he returns from the camp, the first thing that he asks you is when you will send him again for camping. Let us see how you can pick the best summer camp for your child.

Search the Internet

If you browse(浏览) the Internet, you will find a number of websites of summer camps where you can find all the detailed information about the camps. For example, how much the whole camping will cost, where the camps are, what children can do in the camps and what additional facilities (额外的设施) they can provide. Don't forget to read the comments(评论) of parents who have sent their children to those camps and pay attention to how they find those camps.


Some camp organizers prefer advertisements in newspapers. Some of the organizers even invite famous people to their camps to communicate with kids. You should keep an eye in the summer camp advertisements in newspapers so that you could pick a suitable one for your kid.

Ask for advice from your child's school teachers

Go to your kid's school and ask his teachers whether they can give you names of some of the summer camps they consider to be the best.

Know the interest of your child

While searching, you will come across different types of camps. They are organized according to the nature and interest of children like a music camp, a sports camp, etc. So it is very important to know what your child is interested in before picking a summer camp.

小题1:Which of the following can be put on the line before Paragraph 3?

A.Place advertisements in newspapers.

B.Visit the organizers of summer camps.

C.Search for advertisements in newspapers.

D.Invite famous people to talk with your kid.小题2:We can know that in the writer's opinion, '

A.finding a proper summer camp for children is not difficult

B.the purpose of a summer camp is not only for children to have fun

C.what other parents think about a camp on the Internet is not believable

D.children usually don't have to go again after returning from a summer camp小题3:According to the last paragraph, before making the final decision, parents should_______.

A.consider the interest of their kid

B.rethink if camping is necessary

C.know everything about the camp

D.know the kid's performance at school

题型:单项选择题 A1型题
P是平行四边形ABCD所在平面外的一点,若P到四边的距离都相等,则四边形ABCD(  )
题型:单项选择题 A1型题

家庭装修需要各种材料.下列材料属于有机合成材料的是(  )





题型:单项选择题 A1型题








题型:单项选择题 A1型题

(一) 盛达公司20*7年12月31日按规定进行财产清查,清查结果如下:  1. 实地盘点得知仓库实存甲材料300公斤。该公司常以“永续盘点制”对材料进行核算,月初甲材料账面结存250公斤,本月购进560公斤,本月发出530公斤。假设甲材料结存及交易单价均为15元;  2. 发现当日库存现金交账面余额多出1600元,经查其中1000元为应付A公司的贷款,其余金额无法查明原因;  3. 盘亏打印机一台,原值6000元,已提折旧5200元;  4. 由于B公司已倒闭,应付该公司的一笔1200元的贷款无法支付,经批准按有关规定进行处理;  5. 有一笔应收C公司1100元的贷款经查确实无法收回,盛达公司已在日常核算中全额计提坏帐准备,经批准予以核销;  6. 受到开户银行转来的对账单,余额为67000元,而且该公司银行存款日记账余额为59650元,经逐笔核对,发现几笔未达账项:  (1) 12月27日,公司购买设备一台,开出现金支票8200元,持票人尚未到银行兑现;  (2) 12月27日,银行收到外地汇款7900元,已存入公司账户,公司尚未收到收款通知  (3) 12月28日,银行贷公司支付本月电话费1200元,公司尚未收到付款通知  (4) 12月29日公司预收货款,收到转账支票5000元,尚未送存银行;  (5) 12月30日,银行已从公司存款账户中扣掉公司应付的短期借款利息3600元,公司尚未收到付息通知;  (6)12月30日,发生银行存款收入1050元,银行已入账公司尚未收到利息清单.  要求:

计算并指出本次财产清查的账务处理对公司流动资产和利润总额的影响金额.  假设本题不考虑有关税费影响  银行存款余额调表  存款种类:结算类存款 20*7年12月31日 单位:  项目 余额 项目 余额  调节后的存款余额 调节后的存款余额
