新民主主义革命时期,在分析了近代中国社会的主要特点之后,毛 * * 指出,近代中国社会的主



新民主主义革命时期,在分析了近代中国社会的主要特点之后,毛 * * 指出,近代中国社会的主要矛盾包括()。



C.帝国主义和中 * * 的矛盾




     Every morning at 5:30, Li Jun gets up, finds a quiet place and begins shouting at a wall. "Ahh...

eee...", he is always shouting for about 30 minutes. The sounds are long and loud. Is he mad? No. Is

he a singer? Well, maybe. But he doesn't like pop music. In fact, this 14-year-old kid is mad about

Peking Opera. He is studying it at the Ji' nan Art School in Shandong. He has been doing this practice

every morning since he was 10. "My voice is changing.I sing every day.I want my voice to become

better, "he said. Li says he can't eat ice cream because it is bad for his voice. His hard work has helped.

Li got the first place in the CCTV arts contest for kids. He sang Take over of Weihu Mountain (《智取

威虎山》), a great Peking Opera song. Li's father and grandpa are both Peking Opera fans. When Li

was a kid,he saw opera masks (面具)at home and liked them. Now he and his father often sing opera

at home on weekends.    

     Every day at school, Li learns to somersault (翻筋斗) and do leg exercise. In the afternoon, he

learns to sing."My body is always in pain. I only want to lie in bed at the end of a day," said Li. But it's

more fun back in his dormitory."Eight people in my dormitory sing opera together. It turns the room into

an opera house. "Li's teacher, Ma Jisheng, thinks Li is an unusual kid. "He doesn't like new things much.

He is really serious about the old opera, art, "said Ma. Ma hopes Li Jun can be a big opera star. "But he

may also try some pop songs. Kids need to have their own style, " he said.

1. Every morning Li Jun gets up early to ______.

A. read books                  

B. do morning exercise    

C. shout at the wall          

D. show that he is mad

2. Li Jun is a boy ______.            

A. of ten years old    

B. studying at an art school    

C. ho often eats ice cream    

D. that teaches other students Peking Opera

3. Take over of Weihu Mountain is ______.

A. a beautiful pop song              

B. a name of a TV play

C. a high and beautiful mountain      

D. a great Peking Opera song

4. Every day at school, Li Jun ______.

A. learns to somersault          

B. does leg exercise

C. learns to sing               

D. all the above

5. What can we learn from this passage?    

A. No pain, no gain.     

B. It's easy for everyone to be successful.   

C. Peking Opera is easy to learn.    

D. Li Jun is successful only because of his talent.


下面的几个速度中表示平均速度的是[ ]

A.子弹射出枪口的速度是800 m/s,以790 m/s的速度击中目标

B.汽车从甲站行驶到乙站的速度是40 km/h

C.汽车在第5秒初的速度是72 km/h

D.小球第3 s末的速度是6 m/s


李刚是高中一年级的学生,一天在放学回家的路上看到几位老爷爷在采风中下棋。于是她想,要是老人有一个安定的交流、娱乐场所就好了。于是,她给居委会主任写了一份“建立老年人活动站”的建议书。居委会对此非常重视,经过多方努力,社区的老年人终于有了自已的“老年之家”。这表明李刚同学在通过________参与政治生活。[ ]








