旅行社责任保险的构成要素包括() A.旅行社责任保险的主体 B.旅行社责任保险的客体

















     The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood,

when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It

varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, and what sort of drinks you've had. Some

people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.

     In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you're below the legal

limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.

     It takes hours for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy

drinking session in the evening, you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning,

or you could even find that you're still over the legal limit. In addition, if you've had a few drinks at

lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit till late

in the night.

     In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they

were that they could drive a test course through a set of moveable posts and the less able they were

to do it! So the only way to be sure you're safe is not to drink at all.

     Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents

have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest

cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath

analyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.

     It is important to remember that driving after you've been drinking doesn't just affect you. If you're

involved in an accident, it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Three standard drinks may cause some people to reach the legal limit.

B. There is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach the legal limit.

C. The legal limit for driving after drinking is 0.08g of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood.

D. The amount of alcohol a person can drink before reaching legal limit is the same for different people.

2. We may find that the alcohol in our blood is over the legal limit in the evening after we had a few drinks at noon because ________.

A. the drinks are too strong

B. the alcohol in our drink is likely to get out of our body

C. our body needs some time to get the alcohol out of our body

D. our body is sensitive to alcohol

3. We may infer that even a professional driver ________ if he drinks heavily.

A. will probably fail to pass through a set of movable posts

B. will certainly pass through a set of movable posts

C. will hardly be confident of their ability to pass through a set of movable posts

D. will be absolutely capable of passing through a set of movable posts.

4. This passage indicates that ________.

A. a driver who does not take any alcohol will not die in road accidents

B. those who drink must be killed

C. more young men die in drink-related accidents than in any other way

D. one in three of the drivers often drinks a lot

5.One of the writer's purposes in writing the passage is to tell you that ________.

A. young men should never drive quickly

B. driving after drinking may put many lives at risk

C. safe drinking is impossible

D. the manner of drinking is meaningless











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