在“渐固膏肓,期于夭折”中,“期”之义为() A.日期 B.期待 C.期望 D.必然

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题







题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

A有限责任公司因经营不善濒临破产,B企业是其债权人之一。关于对A公司提起进行重整的申请,下列说法错误的是( )。




D.B公司申请对A公司进行破产清算的,人民法院受理破产后宣告破产前,王某作为拥有A公司 15%出资额的股东,可以申请重整

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

Ma Dong didn't write out the right answer, _____. [ ]

A. neither did I

B. neither didn't I

C. I'm too

D. either I

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


Crashing a state dinner at the White House without any invitation apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of courage.

The Washington Post first reported that a couple, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, not on the official guest list, managed to slip into the state dinner at the White House on Nov. 24, 2009. The dinner was held to honor Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. According to the Post, the uninvited guests had stayed in the same place with the Obamas and other important figures.

The U. S. Secret Service learned about the security breach (破坏) on Wednesday only after the couple boasted online about having attended the state dinner. One of the many photos from the dinner posted on her blog shows the couple with the smiling Vice President Joe Biden.

The White House has asked the Secret Service for a full review of what happened. “ The Secret Service is looking into its security procedures after determining that. ” Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said. “ An initial (初步的) finding has identified that one of our checkpoints did not follow proper procedures to ensure that the two individuals were on the invited guests list,” Donovan said. But he also said President Obama was never in any danger as well as the others at the dinner, because all the party attenders went through the security screening for weapons as there were more than three hundred people invited. “ But we do not rely on just magnetometers (检测仪) or the level of screenings, ” he added. “ That’s why we have the guards with our protectees at all times ”.

The following are more reactions to this incident:

* One senator thought authorities ought to pursue criminal charges against the couple and such behavior should be strongly discouraged.

* “ There is no need of legal help for the couple, as they just went to a party. They didn’t do anything wrong,” a lawyer expressed his opinion on this eye-catching security breach.

* Evan Botny, a current affair commentator, on Sunday said his concern was about the long-term effect on U.S. security, so it should be regarded more than a laughing matter.

* Meanwhile, a TV executive added that the couple’s attempt might be focused on money, as they

were offering interviews to networks on their experience.

45. The U. S. Secret Service got to know the incident because of _______.

A. the news from the Washington Post            

B. the announcement of some important figures

C. the couple’s boasting on the internet         

D. the report of the Secret Service spokesman

46. In paragraph 4, the spokesman thinks _______.

A. the security procedures are very efficient                     

B. such incidents could be very easily avoided   

C. the secret service needn’t be improved at all

D. the incident came as a surprise with no harm

47. According to the passage, the couple did so in order to _______.

A. enjoy a state dinner                  B. take some photos

C. become famous                     D. visit the White House

48. From the reactions, who believes the Secret Service rather than the couple is to blame?

A. A senator                                  B. A news commentator

C. A lawyer                                  D. A TV executive

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

预防地方性甲状腺肿(大脖子病)应多吃一些(  )





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题





