净资产收益率是用来反映企业赢利能力的比率,其计算式为( )。 A.(净利润/注册资



净资产收益率是用来反映企业赢利能力的比率,其计算式为( )。



数据仓库是面向主题的、集成的、稳定的、 【20】 ,用以支持经营管理中的决策制定过程。




根据《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》措施项目一览表,安装工程和市政工程均可能发生的非通用项目是( )。






A Recent Erymology of the Word "Culture"“文化”一词的新词源
Look in an old dictionary—say, a pre-1960 Webster’s—and you’ll likely find a definition of culture (1) looks something like this: "1.The cultivation of soil. 2.The raising, improvement, or development of some plant, animal (2) product. " This use of the word has its roots in the ancient Latin word cultura, "cultivation" or "tending," and (3) entrance into the English language had begun by the year 1430. By the time the Webster’s definition above was (4) , another definition had begun to take precedence over the old Latin denotation; culture was coming to mean "the training, (5) , and refinement of mind, tastes, and manners" (Oxford English Dictionary). The OED traces this definition, which today we associate (6) the phrase "high culture," back as far as 1805; by the middle of the 20th century, it was (7) becoming the word’s primary definition.
However, if you try a more modem source, like the American Heritage English Dictionary, (8) find a primary definition of culture which is substantially different than either of the two given above: "The totality (9) socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. " Why such a (10) , and in such a (relatively) short period of time Well, in the past 40 years, the use of the (11) "culture" has been heavily influenced by the academic fields of sociology and cultural anthropology. These fields have gradually brought (12) was once a minor definition of culture (the last of eight definitions given in the old 1958 Webster’s quoted (13) ) into the mainstream.
It is easy to imagine how the US society which was so focused on "socially transmitted (14) patterns" in the sixties would come to need a word to describe the object of its interest. The civil (15) movement during this era brought everyone’s attention to bear on cultural differences within US society, while the Vietnam War (16) to emphasize the position of the US culture in relation to other world cultures.
Over time, these new uses (17) the word culture have eclipsed its older meanings, those associated with cultivation of the land and the production of (18) . You might say that an aspect of US culture over the past 40 years is its fascination with the (19) of culture itself—a fascination which has brought about many changes in the way we speak and the (20) of words which we commonly use.


200×年×月×日,某石化公司净化工段变压吸附岗位,计控处一名仪表工在维修一气动蜗杆式切断球阀时,发生CO中毒,经抢救无效死亡。 200×年×月×日凌晨0时30分左右,公司净化工段变压吸附岗位5A气动蜗杆式切断球阀出现故障,净化工段当班副操作工甲某打开旁路,切断变压吸附系统。班长电话通知计控处值班人员。l时l0分左右,计控处仪表工乙某来变压吸附岗位询问情况后,独自一人到现场去查找故障,甲某在操作室操作开关配合,过了一会,甲某出去听乙某说阀门出现故障,需要维修,甲某便回到了操作室。大约十几分钟后,甲某到外面看,没有看到人,以为仪表工回去了,便没有在意。凌晨5时左右,当班另一名仪表工丁某发现乙某不在,就往净化等部门打电话询问,听说乙某在净化工段干完活早已回去时,丁某立即赶到现场寻找,发现乙某躺在变压吸附平台上,许某赶紧喊人抢救,并立即送往医院,经诊断,确认已死亡。 事故发生后,公司立即成立了事故调查小组及善后小组,调查取证,分析原因。经分析认为事故原因为CO中毒,具体原因如下: (1)5A气动蜗杆式切断球阀阀杆密封垫片不严,虽然系统已紧急切断,但系统内仍有1.6MPa的压力,造成高浓度的CO泄露,致使正在现场拆卸气源的仪表工乙某中毒; (2)仪表工乙某安全防范意识较差,按规定进行此类作业现场应有2人以上,乙某却独自1人到有毒有害岗位作业,且没有监护人,没有任何防范措施,属违章作业;计控处安全规定明确要求,“到有毒有害区域进行作业,必须同时有2人以上,或必须有监护人,必须佩戴必要的防护器材,采取一定的安全措施”; (3)公司当班值班长在得知净化工段出现问题时,没有引起高度重视,未及时到现场进行处理。净化工段班长、变压吸附岗位当班副操作工甲某没有很好地配合仪表工工作,巡回检查不力,也是造成此次事故的一个重要原因。 根据以上内容回答下列问题。 1.对于CO中毒事故如何进行预防 2.这起事故起因物、致害物、伤害方式各是什么f这起事故构成什么性质的事故 3.如何现场抢救CO中毒者
