烧伤急救时,需立即行气管切开的是A.烧伤伴有昏迷 B.头面部烧伤 C.大面积烧伤伴有

















⑴ 图中铁路线名称是______________,简析武广高铁运营后对铁路运输产生的直接影响。(6分)

⑵ 分别写出①、②、③、④地中人口老龄化趋势最显著人口密度最低的的省级行政区名称,并根据图表资料,从环境人口容量的角度说明该地人口密度较小的主要原因。(10分)

⑶ 20世纪80年代以后,③省区为人口的(净迁入、净迁出)区,人口迁移对该地有哪些影响?(8分)

⑷ ③省西部所属地形区是_________________;在“虚线框内土地利用类型”图中,该地的耕地类型以___________________为主,并从地形地貌的角度分析原因。(12分)


Journalists who write about families as well as social and cultural issues can count on receiving an annual barrage of public relations pitches for Valentine’s Day. The PR blitz begins right after Christmas and continues almost until the big day itself. Daily, sometimes hourly, e-mails pop up on my computer screen, as publicity agents propose stories on a variety of love-rated subjects.
Some suggest traditional topics: How about interviewing the author of a new book on how to find the perfect mate Or what about a story offering ideas on the best gifts to give to your heartthrob Other suggestions take a thoroughly modern approach to romance. Publicists would be happy to provide information about the newest matchmaking website or the hottest dating coach. There’s even a "psychic medium" who promises to tell radio and television audiences about their "current and future relationships".
Individually, these story promotions could be taken for what they are: just another day, another client, another dollar in the life of publicity agents. But collectively, they signal more than simply a desire to capitalize on a holiday that has mushroomed into a $17 billion industry. In their varied forms, these promotions reflect the urgency of the quest for love and companionship in a society where one-quarter of all households now consist of single people.
These pitches also serve as a measure of how much Valentine’s Day itself has changed. They can impel long-married observers to look back with a certain nostalgia to a time several decades ago when Feb. 14 didn’t carry such intensity--and when courtship didn’t cost quite so much. That was a time before men were expected to spend two months’ worth of their salary for an engagement ring, before men and women decided they would settle for nothing less than a "soul mate", and before it was necessary to seek advice from an army of self-help gurus bearing titles such as "relationship and interpersonal communication expert". That was also an era when many hopeful Prince Charmings could show their love with a card or a heart-shaped box of drugstore chocolates, and when even a single rose could melt a young woman’s heart.
What a contrast to today, when anything less than a dozen long-stemmed roses can risk making a sender appear frugal, and when an ardent suitor who wants to make an impression will buy chocolates from Belgium, whatever the cost. This year the average man will spend $120 and the average woman $ 85, according to the National Retail Federation (NRF).
Is this love, or obligation For some men, it might even include a bit of guilt. As Tracy Mullin, CEO of the NRF, notes, presumably with tongue planted firmly in cheek, some men "may be looking at Valentine’s Day as a way to make up for that HDTV they splurged on for the Super Bowl." As one public radio station announcer put it during a Valentine’s Day fundraiser offering long-stemmed roses. "This is a perfect way to fulfill your Valentine’s obligations." Another host making a similar appeal urged listeners to "take care of your Valentine’s Day duties."
And if you don’t One relationship expert quoted in a Valentine’s Day press release offers the stern warning that "if a guy doesn’t come through on Valentine’s Day, it means he doesn’t care about you," so just say goodbye and move on. But assuming he does care, another PR firm suggests a high-tech approach to the day. "This year, think outside the box and send a Video Valentine!" the e-mail pitch begins. "Too shy to say those three little words in person Profess your love on video! Or use your cellphone to record yourself shopping for the perfect gift. " Diamonds, anyone
Whatever the approach, couples might do well to follow the advice of a group of husbands in Japan who say they know the answer to wedded bliss. In an effort to communicate better with their wives, they offer Three Principles of Love. Say "sorry" without fear, say "thank you" without hesitation, and say "I love you" without shame. It’s a trio of sentiments that women could adopt as well.
Tomorrow all the unsold Valentines with their declarations of love and affection will disappear from card racks, to be replaced by Easter messages featuring eggs and bunnies. Long stemmed roses will begin to open, boxes of chocolate will be nibbled away, and cards with sentimental messages will be propped on desks and dressers. Whatever hopes and expectations are fulfilled--or not--today, the celebration offers a touching reminder that when it comes to matters of the heart, the approaches might change, but the yearning for love and companionship doesn’t. Above all, it offers this comforting reassurance. Cupid lives.

The last sentence of the passage "Cupid lives." ______.

A.serves as a concluding remark summarizing the main idea of the passage

B.is used as a contrast to the prevailing practice of Valentine’s Day celebration

C.shows the author’s belief in human yearning for love and companionship

D.is used as a fierce attack against the changing human relationship









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