


某建筑公司招聘,小王应聘电焊工、小李应聘气焊工、小陈应聘消防材料保管员、小赵应聘自动消防系统的操作人员,四人均无上岗证,根据《消防法》可以聘用上岗的是( )。

A. 小王
B. 小李
C. 小陈
D. 小赵




一个数据库系统可以看作由实体和关系构成。关系可与 (54) 实体有关。实体与实体之间的关系有一对一、一对多和多对多三种,其中 (55) 不能描述多对多的联系。
一般来说,一个数据库系统 (56) 外视图, (57) 概念视图, (58) 数据子语言。




     What does it mean to relax? Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives,

very few people have deeply considered what it's really about.

     When you ask people what it means to relax, most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is

something you plan to do later-you do it on vacation, when you retire, or when you get everything done. This

means, of course, that most other times (the other 95 percent of your life) should be spent nervous, restless,

rushed, and mad. Could this explain why so many of us perform as if life were one great big emergency

(紧急事件)? Most of us put off relaxation until our " in-basket (收文篮)" is empty. Of course it never is.

     It is useful to think of relaxation as a quality of heart that you can own on a regular basis rather than

something left for some later time. You can relax now. It's helpful to remember that relaxed people can still be

super achievers and, in fact, that relaxation and creativity go hand in hand. When I'm feeling upright, for

example, I don't even try to write. But when I feel relaxed, my writing flows quickly and easily.

     Being more relaxed includes training yourself to react differently to the dramas (戏剧) of life-turning your

melodrama (情节剧) into a sweet-drama. It comes, in part, from reminding yourself over and over again

(with loving kindness and patience) that you have a choice in how you respond to life. You can learn to relate

to your thinking as well as your situation in new ways. With practice, making these choices will translate into

a more relaxed self.

1. The writer intends to tell us _____.

A. how to find chances to relas

B. what realxation really means

C. when to relax

D. the ways to relax

2. The underlined word " it" in the second paragraph (last sentence) probably refers to _____.

A. life

B. emergency

C. relaxation

D. in-basket

3. According to the passage most people think of relaxation as _____.

A. something planned to do in the future

B. something to be done now

C. something never to be done

D. something to be done like a dream

4. What is the writer's attitude towards relaxation?

A. Only by relaxing can one achieve something

B. No one really understands what relaxation is.

C. relaxation is a good state of mind one should keep every day.

D. 95 percent of your life should be spent in a relaxed way.




