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以下各项不属于正式研究阶段的任务是( )。







材料一  1943年4月,罗斯福就授意自己的亲信雷斯特·戴维斯写了《罗斯福的世界蓝图》一文,该文透露了罗斯福政府对战后世界安排的一些设想,如强调大国合作、建立联合国、建立新的国际经济秩序以及推行使美国充当世界主宰的世界主义等。斯大林为苏联确定战后的战略目标时将巩固战争期间取得的胜利果实(包括苏联控制的地盘)、确保国家安全置于优先地位,同时积极谋求扩大苏联的势力及影响。


材料二 今日世界的所有国家都面临着对两种不同生活方式的选择,一种是“以大多数人的意志为基础”的“自由制度”,另一种是“以强加于大多数人的少数人的意志为基础”的“极权政体”,美国的政策必须支持那些自由国家人民抵抗武装的少数人或外来的奴役阴谋”。“不论在什么地方,不论直接或间接侵略威胁了和平,都与美国的安全有关”,“伟大的责任已经落在我们的肩





下列各项中,对我国社保基金认识不正确的是( )。


B.确定从2001年起新增发行 * * 公益金的80%上缴社保基金





     Some businesses and apartment buildings are telling kids to buzz off. A device called the

Mosquito is being used in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New York to keep kids from

gathering in big groups and causing trouble.

     The Mosquito makes a noise that only kids can hear. About 3,000 Mosquito units have

been fixed in the United Kingdom. In the United States, managers of an apartment building

in New York City recently fixed one to keep noisy kids from taking over the building's

entrance-hall. A children's rights agency (机构) in England wants the device forbidden. The

agency says the device unfairly targets teens. Some also worry that the high sounds could hurt

young ears. Fans of the Mosquito say it keeps kids out of trouble and off private property (财产).

     "Mosquito devices violate the human rights of kids. The use of the devices is targeted at kids

because it considers all kids as troublemakers. The devices are also harmful because the noise

could hurt kids' hearing. Besides violating our rights, the Mosquito is dangerous. It could hurt

the ears and the hearing of teens, babies and animals because they are more sensitive," says

California eighth grader Kelly Straky. "It is not right to place the device in a public place.

Teenagers have as much right to public places as adults. I listened to the Mosquito sound, and

it was extremely loud. It hurts not only your ears but also your whole head. It isn't just annoying;

it's painful. It should not be allowed."

     Fans of the Mosquito believe that property owners have a right to decide who can be on their

property and who cannot. Mosquito devices are a method of protecting private property and

keeping the peace. Property laws are put into place to protect the public.

     "Yes, I do believe that the rights of teens should be valued, but we must always put ourselves

in other people's shoes and see the other side. In this case, doing so allows people to understand

the negative effects, such as crime, that loitering (滞留) can have on an area or a community,"

said Kayla Hill from New York.

1. The underlined phrase "buzz off" in Paragraph one probably means _____.

A. stay inside  

B. go away      

C. sit down      

D. play games

2. According to the passage, the Mosquito _____.

A. gives off a special smell

B. is a safety tool aimed at youths

C. is mostly purchased by the police

D. is a safety tool aimed at thieves

3. We can learn from the passage that Kelly Straky _____.

A. values the rights of teens              

B. keeps a close eye on her private property

C. hears the noise of the Mosquito frequently

D. believes many kids are causing annoying problems

4. Who are probably fans of the Mosquito?

A. Pet owners.      

B. Teachers.      

C. Shop owners.  

D. Parents.


以地下水为水源的饮用水处理工艺中,经常由于水中铁量超标而设置除铁单元。通常的除铁处理工艺流程中不包括( )。






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