前列腺A.底向下,尖朝上 B.可分为前、中、后三叶 C.位于盆膈之上 D.中叶位于尿







D.中叶位于 * * 与射精管之间

E.内有 * * 膜部经过

     Vince has a good friend Hector. Last Friday was Hector's birthday. It was five o'clock in the afternoon.
Hector's brother said, "The birthday party is beginning." At that time, Vince appeared (出现). He wore (穿着)
a big T-shirt, On it were the words "My best friend, Hector: Happy Birthday!" Hector was very excited.
     On the day, besides (除了……还有) Vince, Hector's other two classmates Alice and Lily joined in the
party. Hector's parents cooked delicious food for them in their house. Hector got a lot of presents: a soccer
ball from his brother, a bicycle from his parents, a CD from Alice, a cartoon book from Lily and a dictionary
from Vince. They danced and sang till 9 o'clock in the evening. They were very happy.
Birthday party
For whom1._______________
Time 2._______________
Place 3._______________
Guests (客人) 4._______________
Mom and Dad's presents 5._______________

Windows 98的桌面有传统风格和( )。

A. 现代风格

B. Web风格

C. 窗式风格

D. 古典风格


At the time friends visit us in the evening, they often tell us they are in a hurry and look at their watches. It isn’t that our friends are all very busy; it is just that we haven’t got a television. People think that we are very strange. "But what do you do in the evening", they are always asking. The answer is very simple. Both my wife and I have hobbies. We certainly don’t spend our evenings looking at the walls. My wife enjoys cooking and painting and often attends evening classes in foreign languages. This is quite useful as we often go abroad for our holidays. I collect stamps and I’m always busy with my collection. Both of us enjoy listening to the music and playing chess together.
Sometimes there are power cuts and we have no electricity in the house. This does not worry us and we just light candles and carry on with what we were doing before. Our friends, however, are lost—no television! —So they don’t know what to do. On such evenings our house is very full for they all come to us. They all have a good time. Instead of sitting in silence in front of the television, everybody talks and plays games.

The best title for this passage is ______.

A.Why Do We Need a Television
B.Candle! But No Electricity!
C.Different Friends, Different Hobbies.
D.We Go Without Televisions


