




Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary, flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though it may be valid for the science; Differences between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part from a difference in their goal. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways. Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of date, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory. The goal of highly creative art is different: the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product of the creative act. Shakespeare’s Hamlet is not a tract about the behavior of indecisive princes or the uses of political power, nor is Picasso’s painting Guernica primarily a prepositional statement about the Spanish Civil War or the evils of fascism. What ’highly creative activity produces is not a new generalization that ’transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular. Aesthetic particulars produced by the highly creative artist extend or exploit, rather than transcend that form.

This is not to deny that a highly creative artist sometimes establishes a new principle of organization in the history of an artistic field; the composer Monteverdi, who created music of the highest aesthetic value, comes to mind. More generally, however, whether or not a composition establishes a new principle in the history of music has no bearing on its aesthetic worth. Because they embody a new principle of organization, some musical works, such as the operas of the Florentine Camerata, are of signal historical importance, but few listeners or musicologists would include these among the great works of music. On the other hand, Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro(费加罗的婚礼) is surely among the masterpiece of music even though its modest innovations are confined to extending existing means. It has been said of Beethoven that he toppled the rules and freed music from the stifling confines of convention. But a close study of his composition reveals that Beethoven overturned no fundamental rules. Rather, he was an incomparable strategist who exploited limits of the rules, forms, and conventions that he inherited from predecessors such as Haydn and Mozart, Handel and Bach—in strikingly original ways.

According to the author, distinctions between those engaged in the creative arts and in natural sciences can in part be explained by ()

A. the different objectives of those involved in these respective pursuits

B. the different methods they employ in the collection of data to support their theories

C. the different ways in which they attempt to extend accepted conventional forms

D. the different principles of organization that they utilize in order to .create new works


















案情:报喜鸟集团有限公司的“报喜鸟”组合商标于2002年3月12日被国家工商行政管理总局商标局认定为驰名商标。 吴某在其经营的大林西裤行中销售的产品中均使用带有“香港报喜鸟国际集团服饰有限公司”字样的标签和外包装袋。报喜鸟集团有限公司认为吴某的上述行为足以导致消费者对吴某销售的产品来源产生混淆,侵犯了“报喜鸟”注册商标专用权,并依法向武汉市中级人民法院起诉,请求判令吴某停止侵权并公开赔礼道歉,赔偿经济损失100万元并承担本案的诉讼费。 武汉市中级人民法院经审理后认为,报喜鸟集团有限公司依法享有“报喜鸟”驰名商标的专用权,吴某的上述行为已实际造成了消费者对其产品的来源产生混淆,淡化了“报喜鸟”驰名商标,侵犯了报喜鸟集团有限公司对“报喜鸟”商标的专用权,理应依法承担停止侵权和公开赔礼道歉的民事责任,但其因能提供所售产品的合法来源,故免予赔偿。并于2002年11月18日作出一审判决,判决吴某于判决生效之日起停止销售含有“报喜鸟”字样标签和包装袋的服饰,驳回报喜鸟集团有限公司的其他诉讼请求。案件受理费15010元由吴某承担。报喜鸟集团有限公司不服,提出上诉。 湖北省高级人民法院认为:吴某作为服装专业经销商,应对相应行业领域施以较高注意义务,更何况“报喜鸟”商标是全国驰名商标,其应当知道其所销商品使用的标签会误导消费者,也应当知道其销售的是侵犯他人注册商标专用权的产品,其行为不属于《商标法》第56条第3款所规定的免责情形。同时考虑到报喜鸟集团有限公司在无证据支持的情况下盲目要求赔偿100万元的行为,改判由吴某赔偿报喜鸟集团有限公司3万元,并由报喜鸟集团有限公司承担部分诉讼费,一审判决的其他部分予以维持。 问题:

