




如图所示,两个等量的负点电荷,在其连线的中垂线上有与连线中点O等距离的两点a、b,在a点由静止释放一带正电的粒子(不计重力),则关于带点粒子的运动情况正确的是(       )







     Increasingly over the last few years, we have become familiar with the range of small electronic devices

or "smart" accessories (附件, 饰品). Pocket heart-rate monitors for joggers and electronic maps are just the

first examples of many new products that promise to change our lives in all sorts of surprising ways.

     As a scientist at New York University, Rosalind Picard tries out different smart accessories before they

go on the market. One of these was the so-called "frown (皱眉) headband". Rosalind was shocked to realize

just how often she frowned stuck in a traffic jam recently, Rosalind kept hearing the sounds of the tiny sensor

inside the band worn around her forehead-each time she frowned in annoyance, the sensor gave out a signal.

     Another computer scientist, Steven Feiner, is working on a pair of glasses that will do more than help you

to see. Imagine you want to try a restaurant in a foreign city but you're not familiar with the dishes on the

menu. If you are wearing a pair of steven's glasses, all you have to do is glance above the restaurant's doorway

and your glasses will immediately become windows to the Internet, offering you full details of the meals served

inside. The glasses could also be used to help people make speeches, give chefs access to the latest recipes

and even procide doctors with patient information while they carry out operations.

     At the moment, steven's invention looks more like a large ski mask than a pair of glasses. It's a headset

collected to a hand held computer and a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, which tracks the wearer's

position. But he says that these head-worn displays will eventually get smaller and lighter as technology


     And, of course, this new technology has a fashiomble as well as a useful application. A chemical engineer

named Robert Langer has invented a new microchip that, if put inside a ring, can give off different smells

according to a person's mood. That, of course, may or may not appeal to you. And, in the end, it is shoppers

not scientists, who will determine which of these smart accessories will succeed as fashionable items and

which are sure to join history's long list of crazy inventions.

     It is clear, however, that as computers get smaller and cheaper, they will pop up in all sorts of easily-

wearable accessories, even in the buttons on your coat. What's more, this is something that's going to happen

a lot sooner than we all expect.

1. When Rosalind wore the headband, she was surprised at _____. [ ]

A. how well the sensor worked

B. how she was affected by the traffic

C. how strong the signal was

D. how uncomfortable it was

2. For people eating out, Steven's glasses can _____. [ ]

A. give them a restaurant's location

B. let them see a restaurant's environment

C. inform them about a restaurant's menu

D. tell them about a restaurant's quality

3. What is the current problem with Steven's glasses? [ ]

A. Limited function.

B. Inconvenience.

C. High cost.

D. Poor Internet access.

4. In general, what does the writer think about smart accesSories? [ ]

A. They will soon be widely available.

B. Much more research is needed into them.

C. Only a few of them will appeal to shoppers.

D. Most of them are considered to be crazy inventions.

5. What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage? [ ]

A. To advertise some smart accessories.

B. To tell interesting stories about smart accessories.

C. Tb argue that smart accessories are fashionable.

D. To introduce the idea of smart accessories.



     Well before the 15th century, an Anglo-Saxon custom required that a prospective bridegroom break

some highly valued personal belonging. Half of the broken token was held by the father of the bride and

the other half by the groom. A wealthy man was expected to split a piece of gold or silver.

     The earliest engagement rings were also used as wedding rings, serving to seal an act of sale which

transformed ownership of a daughter from father to husband. Such rings were usually of solid gold to

prove the groom's worth.

     For Roman Catholics, the engagement ring became a required statement of Nuptial intent (结婚意向),

as decreed by Pope Nicholas I in 860 A. D. The engagement ring was to be of valued metal, preferably

gold, which for the husband-to-be represented a financial sacrifice.

     Signifying enduring love, and chosen for its durability, the diamond was chosen for the engagement

ring. The diamond's fire is also associated with "love's clear flame," given by Medieval Italians because of

their belief that the diamond was created from the flames of love.

     The Venetians were the first to discover that the diamond is one of the hardest, most enduring

substances in nature, and fine cutting and polishing releases the brilliance. Rarity and cost limited their

rapid proliferation (急增) throughout Europe but their intrinsic (内在的) appeal guaranteed them a future.

By the 17th century, the diamond ring had become the most sought after statement of European engagement.

1. Who kept the two halves of the engagement rings before marriage?

A. The bride's father and the bridegroom's mother.

B. The bride's mother and the bridegroom.

C. The bride and the bridegroom.

D. The bridegroom and the bride's father,

2. What's TRUE about the early Anglo-Saxon custom before the 15th century?

A. A will-be bridegroom should beat all his valuable belongings.

B. Every will-be bride should split a piece of gold.

C. The engagement rings were also used to prove the groom's worth.

D. A rich bride should break one of her most valuable personal belongs.

3. Pope Nicholas made the engagement ring a required statement of nuptial intent ______.

A. in the 15th century

B. over 1,000 years ago

C. in the 1860s

D. by the 17th century

4. What kind of engagement ring has been the most popular one in Europe?

A. Rings made of gold

B. Rings made of silver

C. Rings made of diamond

D. Rings made of an unknown substance in nature.








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