
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题










题型:问答题 简答题

Some disabled people use a special card when they park their cars. These are called disabled placards, which are removable signs that can be hung from the rear-view(后视) mirror of a car. These placards are only supposed to be for disabled people.

These placards are meant to help disabled people in a number of ways. They allow the person to park in special parking spaces. They can also be used when disabled people are being dropped off or picked up. Disabled people can even use them to park without having to pay.

Parking officials think that some people are cheating. Not all people who have these placards are disabled. Today, one in sixteen drivers in California carries the sign. There are a lot more people who have disabled placards today than ten years ago. An official from the DMV(加州车辆管理局) says that there are many reasons for the increase. As people get older, they may develop health problems and need to have one. There are also other reasons why more drivers have them today. Finally, there are a number of people who have them that should not.

Last year the DMV cancelled more than 25,000 permits. They found that lots of people who had the disabled placards had died. These permits are no longer valid.

Some people are worried that the system is being abused. They are worried that access to the program could be limited because of the misuse. More rules could make it harder for people with real disabilities to get these placards.

小题1:What do we know about placards?

A.They are all used by disabled people.

B.They are cards designed by disabled people.

C.They can help disabled people park their cars.

D.They allow disabled people to drive anywhere.小题2:The DMV canceled many permits because_________.

A.the number of old people is growing

B.the number of disabled people is on the rise

C.they want to make it harder for people to get them

D.some people who have the placards have died小题3:What can people do with the placards?

A.Drivers can use them when picking up disabled people

B.Disabled people can pay for parking with them.

C.Drivers can use them to drive their cars.

D.People can have access to DMV with them.小题4: What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The reasons why disabled placards are also popular among drivers.

B.Some healthy people also use the disabled placards.

C.The number of disabled placard users had increased.

D.More reasons for drivers to use disabled placards.小题5:We learn from the passage that_________.

A.disabled placards will be stopped by the government

B.some people will be punished for breaking the law

C.some disabled people will be forbidden to use disabled placards

D.some rules will be made related to disabled placards

题型:问答题 简答题


(2)如图3所示,是“探究电流通过导体产生的热量与导体电阻间关系”的实验装置,两阻值分别为R和2R,合上开关后,通过它们的          相同;若两瓶中盛有质量、初温均相同的同种液体,经过相同时间后        (选填“左”或“右”)瓶里液体的温度更高。

(3)在“神十”发射升空过程中,舱内宇航员王亚平的机械能是        的(选填“增大”“不变”“减少”)。核能是新能源,目前获取的两个重要途径是原子核的裂变和          变。

(4)在如右图4所示的探究凸透镜成像规律的实验中,烛焰在光屏上所成的是缩小清晰的像,要使烛焰成放大清晰的像,在蜡烛和光屏位置不变的情况下,应该向          (选填 “左”或“右”)适当移动透镜。照相机就是根据         镜成像原理制成的。

(5)马德堡半球实验有力地证明了         的存在。在相同情况下,压强越小,液体的沸点越       

题型:问答题 简答题

我国法律规定的限制民事行为能力人的年龄界定为( )。


题型:问答题 简答题






