
题型:问答题 简答题



题型:问答题 简答题

(二)阅读矛盾《香市》中的一段文字,然后回答下列小题。 "革命"以后,据说为的要"破除迷信",接连有两年不准举行"香市"。社庙的左屋“安分局”去做了衙门,而庙前广场的一角也筑了篱笆,据说将造公园。社庙的左起殿上又有什么"蚕种改良所"的招牌。 然而从去年起,这"迷信"的香市忽又准许举行了。于是我又得机会重温儿时的旧梦,我很高兴地同三位堂妹子(她们运气不好,以来没有见过像样的热闹的香市),赶那香市去。 天气虽然很好,“市面"却很不好。社庙前虽然比平日多了许多人,但那空气似乎很阴惨。居然有锣鼓的声音。可是那声音单调。庙前的乌龙潭一泓清水依然如昔,可是潭后那座戏台却坍塌了,屋椽子像瘦人的肋骨似的暴露在"光风化日"之下。一切都不像我儿时所见的香市了! 那末姑且到惟一的锣鼓响的地方去看一看罢。我以为这锣鼓响的是什么变把戏的,一定也是瘪三式的玩意了。然而出乎意料,这是"南洋武术班",上海的《良友画报》六十二期揭载"卧钉床"的大力士就是其中的一员。那不是无名的"江湖班"。然而他们只售平价十六枚铜元。 看客却也很少,不满二百(我进去的时候,大概只有五六十)。武术班的人们好像有点失望,但仍认真地表演了预告中的五六套:马戏,穿剑门,穿火门,走铅丝,大力士......他们说:“今天第一回,人少,可是把式不敢马虎,--"他们三条船上男女老小总共有到三十个! 在我看来,这所谓南洋武术班的几套把式比起从前"香市"里的打拳头卖膏药的玩意来,委实是好看得多了。要是放在十多年前,怕不是挤得满场没个空隙儿么?但是今天第一天也只得二百来看客。往常"香市"的主角--农民,今天差不多看不见。 后来我知道,镇上的小商人是重兴这"香市"的主动者;他们想借此吸引游客"振兴"市面,他们打算从农民的干瘪的袋里榨出几文来。可是他们也失望了。


题型:问答题 简答题


     Locations along the southern and eastern shores of the Great Lakes are famous for the tremendous

amounts of snow they receive. When the snow starts to fall, people start tossing out the phrase "lake-

effect snow".

     Primarily a late-autumn and early-winter phenomena, lake- effect snowstorms are instigated by the

movement of cold, arctic air over the relatively warm waters of the Great Lakes. Ideally, the temperature

difference between the lake water and the overrunning air should be at least 20 degrees in order for cloud

and subsequent snow to form.

     As the cool air crosses the waters of the Great Lakes, the lowest levels of the atmosphere begin to

warm and pick up moisture. This newly warmed layer is lighter than the cold air above it, so it starts to

rise. As the modified air continues to climb higher into the atmosphere, it encounters much colder


     This cooler air forces the moisture to condense into water droplets and ice crystals, forming cloud.

After this process repeats itself a number of times, the cloud becomes weighed down and is forced to

precipitate (凝结而下降) in the form of snow.

     Out of all the meteorological factors (气象因素) that determine snowfall intensity, the most important

might be the direction of the wind. If the wind direction is running perpendicular (垂直的) across the lake,

there won't be ample time for cloud to develop.

     However, if the wind runs parallel to the length of the lake, cloud should form without a hitch. The

longer the cold air travels over the lake, the more moisture it is able to accumulate, which in turn leads to

greater snowfall totals.

     The highest annual lake-effect snowfall totals are found across the U. P. of Michigan, northwestern

Pennsylvania and the far southwestern and upstate sections of New York. In these locations, which are

all located along the southern or eastern shores of the Great Lakes, recording over 100 inches of snow in

a winter season is a common occurrence.

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A. To tell how much snow the Great Lakes have.

B. To introduce the topic of the text.

C. To show when the lake-effect snow appears.

D. To tell what the Great Lakes are famous for.

2. What's the first important factor in the intensity of snowfall?

A. The length of the lake.

B. The direction of the wind.

C. The relatively warm waters of the lake.

D. The strength of the wind.

3. Why can northwestern Pennsylvania see heavy snowfall?

A. It's far from the sea. 

B. It's far from the north.

C. It's near the Great Lakes.

D. It has many mountains.

4. What's the text mainly about?

A. How the lake-effect snow affects life.

B. Where the lake-effect snow happens.

C. How the lake-effect snow forms.

D. How the phrase "lake-effect snow" comes.

题型:问答题 简答题








题型:问答题 简答题

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题型:问答题 简答题

为实现既定的目标,管理者应依据环境和条件,结合其自身的管理经验灵活决策。这体现了管理的( )特征。

