








在“上海市苏州河城市龙舟国际邀请赛”中,载有运动员的龙舟静止在河面上时排开水的体积为1米3,则它所受的浮力为 (12) 牛,它所受的重力为 (13) 牛。当运动员上岸后,龙舟所受的浮力将  (14) (选填“减小”、“不变”或“增大”)。


Yoga(瑜伽)is an ancient practice that helps create a sense of union in body, mind, and spirit. It brings us balance. After a long time of practice yoga, you no longer just practice it — you love it.

Yoga becomes part of your physical life. Your body grows stronger, more toned(有弹性的), and more flexible as you move from one pose to another. I spent a week in Mexico at a yoga retreat, and it was the first vacation on which I lost weight. “Rather than building muscles, yoga builds muscle tone,” says Shakta Kaur Khalsa, author of KISS Guide to Yoga. “Because yoga helps maintain a balanced metabolism(新陈代谢), and it also helps to control weight. Additionally, yoga stretches muscles lengthwise, causing fat around the cells disappear, thus losing weight.”

I do yoga poses throughout the day. After hours at my computer, I stretch my stiff shoulders and arms. When I need an increase in energy, I do energizing poses. When I am feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I do restorative(恢复体力的)poses.

Yoga becomes part of your mental life. Yoga teaches you to focus on breathing while you hold the poses. This attention to breath is calming; it dissolves(使消除)stress and anxiety. I use yogic breathing on the tennis court, in the dentist’s chair, and when I’m stuck in traffic.

You should always leave a yoga practice feeling energized, but not tired. If you feel tired after yoga, it means you spent the time “fighting” yourself, trying to force yourself into poses. In yoga, you “surrender” to the poses by letting go of the tension.

64. What will be talked about if this passage continues?

A. Yoga is becoming part of your spiritual life.

B. Yoga is becoming popular all over the world.

C. The disadvantages of yoga.

D. Encouraging people to do yoga.

65. According to the second paragraph, yoga can help people ___.

A. grow tall             B. lose weight C. be flexible in thinking     D. make friends

66. Why does a person feel tired after yoga?

A. Because when practicing yoga, people will consume a lot of energy.

B. Because he or she surrenders to the poses by letting go of the tension.

C. Because yoga doesn’t benefit all the people.

D. Because he or she doesn’t do yoga poses naturally.

67. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. What’s yoga?                                         B. How do I do yoga poses?

C. The benefits of yoga.                           C. The varieties of yoga.


甲公司2006年2月16日以银行存款500万元购入一台不需安装的设备,于2月20日投入管理部门作为固定资产使用。该设备预计使用年限为4年,预计净残值为20万元,采用年限平均法计提折旧。另外,2006年度采用自营方式建造固定资产一项,以银行存款支付工程价款560万元,支付借款利息100万元,其中资本化计入建造固定资产成本的利息支出40万元。上述交易和事项对甲公司2006年度现金流量表中“购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产所支付的现金”项目的影响金额为( )。


B.1 060万元

C.1 000万元

D.1 100万元


王军,男,经人介绍,于1988年同张晓花结婚,婚后感情尚好。但2年下来,张晓花未能生养儿女。经计划生育技术指导所检查,确认王军患无精症。经夫妻俩协商,张晓花于1991年2月实施了人工受精,同年生一女儿王珍爱。可到了1997年,王军当上了公司经理,与女秘书通 * * ,夫妻关系开始紧张。从此以后,夫妻二人多次争吵、打架。王军从1998年起便在外租房,长期与女秘书姘居不回家,也不给张晓花和女儿生活费。女儿得病时,张晓花不得不借了3000元的医疗费。张晓花忍无可忍,于2007年3月到法院提出离婚。王军以女儿归他抚养为条件,同意离婚,张晓花坚决不同意女儿由王军抚养。法院的如下判决哪个是正确的( )






