在景区宗教道场,“大师”和“活佛”募捐的目的是().A.传教 B.行善 C.骗钱 D









对辛亥革命的评价,一般有三种观点:①它是一场基本上成功的或胜利的资产阶级革命 ②它是一场失败了的资产阶级革命 ③它是一场胜利的资产阶级革命,又是一场失败了的资产阶级革命。 以上三种观点,你认为哪一种观点正确?为什么?










      When she graduates from Columbia University next year with a master's degree in Public

health, Eric Wheeler is hoping to get a job in international reproductive(生殖) health. The

26-year-old post-graduate has always wanted to work in public service. But public service

doesn't pay much, and her two-year program at Columbia costs about $50,000 a year with

living expenses. She has a scholarship from Columbia that covers just $4,000 a year and has

taken out loans to pay for the rest. She worries that she will spend years paying back her student

loans and not have money left over to put away in an IRA. Wheeler is wondering what she can

do to ease the pain of  being in debt. Is there anything she can do to handle the debt?

      The good news is that in 2007, Congress recognized that there were so many students in

Wheeler's position that it passed the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. There were two

programs established by this act that Wheeler should look into.

     The first is the income-based repayment plan, which allows lower-income graduates with a

lot of debt to reduce their monthly payments. Depending on a graduate's income and level of

debt, the program, which goes into effect July 1, could limit his or her annual educational loan

debt repayment to 15 percent of discretionary income(可随意支配的收入),said Peter Mazareas,

vice charman of the College Saving Foundation.

     The second is the public service loan forgiveness plan, in which the federal government will

forgive the remaining debt of borrowers who make 10-year loan payment while working full time

in public-service jobs. But the graduate must have a certain loan which is listed in the plan.

Depending on the level of debt Wheeler ends up with and how much she repays over 10 years,

Mazareas said she could end up with about $75,000 of her debt forgiven. " Tipically, it is projected

that a borrower who performs public service under this program will repay only about one-fourth

to one-half as much money as a borrower who does not", he said. He also pointed out that public

service is broadly defined and includes any government and nonprofit organization job.

1. How much debt will Erin Wheeler be probably in when she graduate?

A. $ 8,000    

B.$ 50,000      

C. $75,000      

D. $92,000

2. Which of the following is true about the College Reduction and Access Act?

A. The programs in the act take effect in 2008.

B.The act aims to help college students who are in debt.

C.There are two helpful programs in the act.

D. The graduates who work in public service benefit the most.

3. How can people benefit from the first plan mentioned in the passage?  

A. The interest of the debt will be lowered.

B. The total amount of debt could be reduced.

C. The income tax will be cut down.

D.People will have more time to pay back the debt.

4. Why does the author say Erin wheeler should look into the second plan in the act?

A. Because she will be heavily in debt upon graduation.

B.Because she will have a master degree.

C. Because she plans to work in public service.

D. Because she has borrowed money from the federal government.

5. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. The total expense in American universities is too high.

B. There are a lot of different programs to help students pay their tution.

C. The US government encourages students to choose public service jobs.

D.The federal government is trying to relieve graduates from heavy debt.


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