










某市高校一幢教师公寓,总建筑面积20 000m2,为8层现浇框架剪力墙结构,基础是钢筋混凝土条形基础。工程于2005年3月开工,2006年4月竣工。基坑开挖后,由施工单位项目经理组织监理,设计单位进行了验槽和基坑的隐蔽验收工作。











What’s in a surname You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you (1) . Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now A research project (2) in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are (3) .
"Smith", for example, remains the most common surname in Britain. Used by (4) people, it has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. "Jones" is (5) , and is the most common among hill farmers (6) .
The data used for this project comes partly (7) . A number of other files are held by Expairing, which is probably Britain’s (8) .
There’ re some of us who are fairly predictable. "Campbell", for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated (9) , and it appears really bizarre to be found anywhere else.
Well, with 25,000 names as (10) , what you can do is put them in general categories, if, for example, you look at (11) . Like the name Webber, you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than (12) . If you go to Wales, most people get their names (13) . And in Yorkshire for example, a lot of people have names (14) that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did.
Well, we only have 25, 000 names on this website, but there’re (15) now found in Britain and they’ re particularly interesting, for (16) . Most British names are fairly common. And about what we can now do as such is look for (17) from different parts of the world and different faiths, (18) . And what there is in names is actually extremely useful, for researchers in (19) may find a lot about (20) now living in this country.

What’s in a surname You may ask. A new website project has been released, that helps you (1) . Have you ever wondered why your ancestors gathered where they did, or where others with your surname live now A research project (2) in Britain answers these questions. And another study has found the surnames are (3) .
"Smith", for example, remains the most common surname in Britain. Used by (4) people, it has exactly the same concentration it always did in Lerwick, in the Scottish Shetland Islands. "Jones" is (5) , and is the most common among hill farmers (6) .
The data used for this project comes partly (7) . A number of other files are held by Expairing, which is probably Britain’s (8) .
There’ re some of us who are fairly predictable. "Campbell", for example, as you might expect, is somewhat concentrated (9) , and it appears really bizarre to be found anywhere else.
Well, with 25,000 names as (10) , what you can do is put them in general categories, if, for example, you look at (11) . Like the name Webber, you might find it is much more common in the Midlands than (12) . If you go to Wales, most people get their names (13) . And in Yorkshire for example, a lot of people have names (14) that they originally lived in or at least their ancestors did.
Well, we only have 25, 000 names on this website, but there’re (15) now found in Britain and they’ re particularly interesting, for (16) . Most British names are fairly common. And about what we can now do as such is look for (17) from different parts of the world and different faiths, (18) . And what there is in names is actually extremely useful, for researchers in (19) may find a lot about (20) now living in this country.


(1)月工资2 700元,其中独生子女补贴200元,托儿补助费300元,洗理费100元,书报费100元;
(3)取得2000年存入的定期存款利息收入2 000元,其中教育储蓄存款利息300元,国库券利息200元;
(4)购买 * * 中奖,取得收入50 000元,将其中20 000元通过教育部捐给某农村小学;
(6)参与电视台举办的有奖竞猜活动,取得奖金1 000元;
(7)1月份,对自有的一套住房进行修缮,发生支出5 000元,3月1日,房屋修缮完毕,按市场价格对外出租,月租金为2000元;
(8)在报纸上分10次连载一篇小说,每次取得稿酬收入200元;10月1日,将连载的小说出版发行,取得稿酬收入5 000元;
(9)接受委托,为乙公司进行工艺设计,取得税后劳务报酬5 000元。
