










(09绥化)我国外交部郑重声明,今年2月25日在法国佳士德拍卖行拍卖的两件文物鼠首和兔首,其所属权为中国。这两件文物均属于我国圆明园流失在国外的精美铜饰品。铜在常温下几乎不和氧气反应,在潮湿的环境中锈蚀速度也比较慢,其主要是和空气中的氧气、二 氧化碳、水蒸气共同作用而生成铜锈。试回答:铜饰品为什么能长久的保存仍然精美如初? 如果你是收藏者,为防止铜制文物锈蚀应当注意什么?(答两点即可)


Stress is our response to threatening or (1) events. We may experience different levels of stress depending on the (2) , meaning the events or circumstances that cause us to feel stress. Stressors can be classified into (3) main categories: (4) events, personal stressors, and (5) stressors. Cataclysmic events are major events that cause stress (6) , immediately, for a great many people at once. Personal stressors are major life events that create stress, including (7) life events. Background stressors are (8) hassles, or minor irritations, or (9) background stressors. Repeated exposure to stressors has both psychological and (10) consequences. The long- term consequence is that body tissues such as the heart and blood vessels can begin to (11) . The (12) system functions less effectively, and (13) our ability to fight off illnesses.
The General Adaptation (14) explains the sequence of physiological reactions to stress. There are three phases to G. A. S. The first is the " alarm and (15) " phase: we respond with alarm, and take (16) to remove the stressor. The second phase is the (17) stage: we fight against the stressor or try to cope with the stressor. This can lead to the third phase. (18) . The exhaustion phase may be an (19) way of trying to avoid the stressors. The body may be telling us that we need to do whatever is (20) to remove the stressor.

Stress is our response to threatening or (1) events. We may experience different levels of stress depending on the (2) , meaning the events or circumstances that cause us to feel stress. Stressors can be classified into (3) main categories: (4) events, personal stressors, and (5) stressors. Cataclysmic events are major events that cause stress (6) , immediately, for a great many people at once. Personal stressors are major life events that create stress, including (7) life events. Background stressors are (8) hassles, or minor irritations, or (9) background stressors. Repeated exposure to stressors has both psychological and (10) consequences. The long- term consequence is that body tissues such as the heart and blood vessels can begin to (11) . The (12) system functions less effectively, and (13) our ability to fight off illnesses.
The General Adaptation (14) explains the sequence of physiological reactions to stress. There are three phases to G. A. S. The first is the " alarm and (15) " phase: we respond with alarm, and take (16) to remove the stressor. The second phase is the (17) stage: we fight against the stressor or try to cope with the stressor. This can lead to the third phase. (18) . The exhaustion phase may be an (19) way of trying to avoid the stressors. The body may be telling us that we need to do whatever is (20) to remove the stressor.




我国第一部劳动领域的法律是( )。

