某女,28岁,已婚,平素月经规律,停经45天, * * 少量出血4天,有下腹胀痛1天就诊。

题型:单项选择题 共用题干题


某女,28岁,已婚,平素月经规律,停经45天, * * 少量出血4天,有下腹胀痛1天就诊。孕产,人工流产1次,去年左侧输卵管妊娠,手术治疗,切除该侧输卵管。提示:查体:T36.7℃,P72次/分,R20次/分,BP100/70mmHg,心肺未见异常,腹平坦,无胃肠型及蠕动波,右下腹有深压痛,无反跳痛,无腹肌紧张,移动性浊音阴性;妇科检查:外阴少量流血,宫颈光滑,宫口闭,后穹隆不饱满,宫颈无举痛,子宫常大,质软,右附件稍增厚,有压痛,左附件未见异常。








题型:单项选择题 共用题干题

66. __________.
Demand theory is based on a simply generalization about customer behavior that has been observed for centuries, that almost people would regard as "common sense". Generally speaking, if a good or service becomes more expensive, consumers are less likely to buy it. So, the price of oil more than doubled in 1999, the demand for oil would fall. How much did the demand for oil fall would depend on the elasticity of the demand for oil. Economists describe the demand for oil response as relatively inelastic. So, the fall was not large.
67. __________.
A substantial rise in the price of oil would affect the demand for oil tankers and coal in 1999.
68. __________.
The use of coal is the same as oil. When file price of oil rises, fewer people will use oil and more people will use coal. In Economics, coal is a substitute good of oil, the price of oil rises, and the demand for oil falls, the demand for coal increases. As the demand for coal is related to the demand for oil, therefore, a constriction in the demand for oil will mean that the demand for coal will shift to a rise. The increase in demand is shown by demand rising from oil to coal. So, the demand for coal increased in 1999.
69. __________.
Because the price of oil rose in 1999, refiner had to face a squeeze on profit margins. This made the costs of refining petrol increase. The costs of production increase will lead decrease on the supply for petrol. As the supply for petrol is related to the supply for oil, therefore, an extension in the supply for oil will mean that the supply for petrol will shift to a fall. This decrease in supply is shown by supply falling from Qs0 to Qs1 So, the supply for petrol decreased in 1999.
70. __________.
Because the price of oil rose in 1999, the supply for oil would raise. Nylon is joint of oil. So, the supply for oil raises the supply for nylon increases. As the supply for nylon is related to the supply for oil, therefore, an extension in the supply for oil will mean that the supply for nylon will shift to a rise. So the supply for nylon increased in 1999.
A. The graph shows how the crude oil price has changed between 1994 and 1998. In general, the crude oil price rose up to the peak until 1997, at which point there was a sharp reduction in the crude oil price. Finally, we can summarize that the overall price, if crude oil dropped from over$10 per barrel to almost $7 per barrel between 1994 and 1998. Market forces affected this.
B. In 1999 the price of oil more than doubled. Discuss the effects of a substantial rise in the price of oil on the supply and demand for oil and other related products. This affected not only the demand and supply for oil, but also other related products.
C. Because the price of oil rose in 1999, producing oil could get more profit. Therefore, some producers would switch from providing nuclear power to providing oil. This meant that more producers would produce oil. Oil becomes more attractive than nuclear power; this will lead decrease on the supply for nuclear power. As the supply for nuclear power is related to the supply for oil, therefore an extension in the supply for oil will mean that the supply will shift to a fall. So, the supply for nuclear power decreased in 1999.
D. Supply theory tells us that profit enable producers to use less suitable resources to increase their supply of product. In 1999, the price of oil more than doubled, this meant that the oil producers could get more profit, so the supply would rise. This type of movement is known as an extension which leads to supply rising. How much did the supply for oil raise would depend on the elasticity of the supply for oil. The rule is that the steeper the curve, the more elastic the supply and vice versa. So, the supply for oil is elastic.
E. A substantial rise in the price of oil would affect the supply for nuclear power, petrol and nylon.
F. We know that oil tankers are used to transport oil. If the price of oil rises, fewer people buy oil. Therefore, less oil tankers are used to transport oil. In Economics, oil tankers are complementary goods of oil, the price of oil rises, and the demand for oil falls, the demand for oil tankers decrease. As the demand for oil tankers is related to the demand for oil, therefore, a constriction in the demand for oil will mean that the demand for oil tankers will shift to a fall. So the demand for oil tankers decreased in 1999.

题型:单项选择题 共用题干题

(本小题共10分) 用伏安法测定一个待测电阻Rx的阻值(阻值约为200 Ω),实验室提供如下器材:

电池组E  电动势3V,内阻不计

电流表A1 量程0—10 mA,内阻约为40 Ω-60 Ω

电流表A2 量程0—500 μA,内阻为1 kΩ

滑动变阻器R1,阻值范围0—20 Ω,额定电流2 A

电阻箱R2,阻值范围0—9999 Ω,额定电流1 A



(1)上述器材中缺少电压表,需选一只电流表将它改装成电压表进行测量, 请在方框中画出测量Rx阻值的电路图,并在图中表明器材代号;

(2)实验中将电阻箱R2的阻值调到4000 Ω,再调节滑动变阻器R1,两表的示数如图所示,可读出电流表A1的示数是________mA,电流表A2的示数是_______μA,测得待测电阻Rx的阻值是__________。

题型:单项选择题 共用题干题







题型:单项选择题 共用题干题

我国中小学对学生进行德育的基本方法是( )。





题型:单项选择题 共用题干题

某企业主要生产粮食白酒,为增值税一般纳税人,20×9 年度生产经营情况如下: (1) 取得产品销售收人1 000万元(不含增值税); (2) 产品销售成本540万元; (3) 销售费用80万元,其中含粮食白酒的广告费用10万元; (4) 管理费用120万元,其中含业务招待费60万元; (5) 财务费用40万元,其中含逾期归还银行贷款的罚息3万元; (6) 缴纳增值税30万元,消费税及附加税等共计70万元; (7) 营业外支出14万元,其中含通过当地希望工程基金会向某小学捐款10万元、缴纳税收滞纳金4万元; (8) 已计入成本费用的实发工资总额320万元,职工工会经费、职工福利费、职工教育经费的发生额分别为6.4万元、44.8万元、8万元。 要求:根据上述资料,计算20×9 年度该企业应调整的应纳税所得额及应缴纳的企业所得税(企业所得税适用税率25%)。
