麻醉蒸发器蒸发方式有() A.可变旁路型 B.定流量型 C.点滴型 D.气流拂过型





















"You are not here to tell me what to do. You are here to tell me why I have done what I have already decided to do," Montagu Norman, the Bank of England’s longest-serving governor (1920-1944), is reputed to have once told his economic adviser. Today, thankfully, central banks aim to be more transparent in their decision making, as well as more rational. But achieving either of these things is not always easy. With the most laudable of intentions, the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, may be about to take a step that could backfire.

Unlike the Fed, many other central banks have long declared explicit inflation targets and then set interest rates to try to meet these. Some economists have argued that the Fed should do the same. With Alan Greenspan, the Fed’s much-respected chairman, due to retire next year-after a mere 18 years in the job-some Fed officials want to adopt a target, presumably to maintain the central bank’s credibility in the scary new post-Greenspan era. The Fed discussed such a target at its February meeting, according to minutes published this week. This sounds encouraging. However, the Fed is considering the idea just when some other central banks are beginning to question whether strict inflation targeting really works.

At present centra1 banks focus almost exclusively on consumer-price indices. On this measure Mr. Greenspan can boast that inflation remains under control. But some central bankers now argue that the prices of assets, such as houses and shares, should also somehow be taken into account. A broad price index for America which includes house prices is currently running at 5.5%, its fastest pace since 1982. Inflation has simply taken a different form.

Should central banks also try to curb increases in such asset prices Mr. Greenspan continues to insist that monetary policy should not be used to prick asset-price bubbles. Identifying bubbles is difficult, except in retrospect, he says, and interest rates are a blunt weapon: an increase big enough to halt rising prices could trigger a recession. It is better, he says, to wait for a housing or stockmarket bubble to burst and then to cushion the economy by cutting interest rates-as he did in 2001-2002.

And yet the risk is not just that asset prices can go swiftly into reverse. As with traditional inflation, surging asset prices also distort price signals and so can cause a misallocation of resources-encouraging too little saving, for example, or too much investment in housing. Surging house prices may therefore argue for higher interest rates than conventional inflation would demand. In other words, strict inflation targeting-the fad of the 1990s-is too crude.

It is implied in the fourth paragraph that Mr. Greenspan is skeptical of ()

A. the stipulation of anti-monopoly rules and regulations

B. the intervention by central banks in asset prices

C. the prevention of economic recession

D. the countdown by the Federal Reserve of new economic upheavals


New York’s Setback Expected to Be Deeper than Nation’s

1. It probably came as no surprise to most New Yorkers that the nation had officially slipped into a recession by spring, or that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 knocked the wobbly legs out from under an already shaky economy.
2. From Wall Street to Kew Gardens, the pain has been palpable. Just as nearly every resident of the city and surrounding area knew someone who lost a life in the World Trade Center, most know someone who has been directly affected by its economic aftermath dislocations, pay cuts and job losses.
3. That giant sucking sound It is the gasp of collective belt-tightening across the five boroughs. Statistics confirm the anecdotes. New York City lost 44,200 jobs just in October, the New York State Labor Department said. It could lose 50,000 more by mid-2002.
4. Economists and accountants have tried to tally the damage stemming from the attack, and though their figures do not always match, the costs are undeniably substantial. In addition to the physical damage and cleanup expenses estimated at $30 billion, the attacks could cost New York City some $20 billion in lost economic activity like retail sales and tourism services this year and $10 billion more next year, according to Economy.com, a research firm based in West Chester, Pa. The $20 billion pledged by the federal government in emergency aid and billions more in insurance payments will help offset those costs, though only about half the federal assistance has actually been appropriated. A sharp falloff in tax revenue, however, will leave the state and city with yawning budget gaps not seen since the early 1990s. The city alone projects a shortfall of $1.3 billion next 5 year and $3.6 billion in 2003.
5. That will keep New York’s prospects dim even if the national economy emerges from recession, as economists predict it will in the second half of 2002. New York, they said, will endure a deeper and more protracted downturn than the rest of the country will feel. The gross city product, a measure of the city’s economic output, declined 1.6 percent in the third quarter, compared with a 0.4 percent fall for the nation as a whole.
6. Some economists compare the situation in New York to that of cities hit by natural disasters, like Hurricane Andrew in 1992 or the earthquake in Kobe, Japan, in 1995. Initial slumps were followed by building booms that led to revived economies, said Stephen Kagann, chief economist for Gov. George E. Pataki’s office.
7. New York, however, will not be helped by a building boom, he said. Rebuilding the World Trade Center, as huge as such a project would be, is unlikely to have a significant impact on the economy, Mr. Kagann said. The original construction had 3,500 jobs at its peak, with maybe 1,500 more ancillary jobs created together, only 0.2 percent of all jobs in the region. "The city’s economy is simply too large for rebuilding to be a significant boost," he said.

A. Deeper setback for city
B. Role of rebuilding in city’s recovery
C. Palpable pain
D. Consequences of natural disasters
E. Estimated economic losses
F. Rising unemployment
G. Economists’ optimism about city’s economy

Paragraph 3 ______







