SPA用于PAP法时,下列试剂不需要的是()。 A.第一抗体 B.第二抗体 C.SP

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


(1)图中①代表的性染色体是      。 


(3)从图中可知,生男生女取决于受精时        的类型(选填“精子”或“卵细胞”)。

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

2010年一季度,全国城镇新增就业人数为289万人,用科学记数法表示289万正确的是 [ ]





题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was an interesting experience of my life.

  My friends told us that taking the “hard  36 ”to Beijing would be really terrible. So we didn’t know what to  37 . But we were pleasantly surprised when we finally boarded the  38  , which was relatively modern and  39  . During the 14 - hour ride we ate peanuts and talked. It was not  40  at all.

  It was morning when we arrived. We stepped out of the railway station, having sat in hard seats and not getting much  41  . However, We had energy, First we tried to get return tickets to Shanghai, but the tickets seller  42  us that tickets would not be on  43  for another two days. We were a little worried about getting  44  , but we made up our minds to  45  for the hotel to put our bags down. After fighting our way  46  the“ gypsy” taxi drivers that tried to  47  us one hundred yuan for the ride, we found a taxi and it  48  cost us thirty yuan to get  49  we had planned to go. When we reached the hotel, there was a window for airplane and train tickets.  50  the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we  51  . The most important lesson about China I ever  52  , is to get someone to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much  53  . We were not able to get tickets, but the  54  agents(代理)could.

  While in Beijing we saw a lot of places of interest, most of which were very  55  . It was fun to be with thousands of people in one place, There aren’t any words to describe it.

36.A. chair             B. bed                 C. seat                 D. bench

37.A. provide          B. expect              C. happen               D. think

38.A. plane             B. bus                 C. ship                 D. train

39.A. quick             B. clean               C. simple               D. long

40.A. bad               B. good               C. easy                 D. hard

41.A. trouble           B. food               C. sleep                 D. help

42.A. promised          B. informed            C. advised              D. persuaded

43.A. time             B. show               C. duty                 D. sale

44.A. behind            B. out                 C. through              D. back

45.A. start              B. ask                 C. look                 D. pay

46.A. towards           B. into                 C. across               D. past

47.A. offer              B. charge              C. bargain              D. share

48.A. even              B. still                C. also                 D. only

49.A. what             B. which              C. where               D. how

50.A. Somehow          B. However            C. Therefore            D. Otherwise

51.A. wouldn't          B. couldn't             C. shouldn't             D. needn't

52.A. learned            B. taught              C. offered               D. heard

53.A. harder             B. earlier              C. later                 D. easier

54.A. business           B. transport            C. travel                D. hotel

55.A. interesting         B. crowded             C. famous              D. noisy

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

At the end of the fifteenth century, celestial navigation was just being developed in Europe, primarily by the Portuguese. Prior to the development of celestial navigation, sailors navigated by "deduced" (or "dead") reckoning, hereafter called DR. This was the method used by Columbus and most other sailors of his era. In DR, the navigator finds his position by measuring the course and distance he has sailed from some known point. Starting from a known point, such as a port, the navigator measures out his course and distance from that point on a chart, pricking the chart with a pin to mark the new position. Each day’ s ending position would be the starting point for the next day’s course-and-distance measurement.


The ship’s speed was measured by throwing a piece of flotsam over the side of the ship. There were two marks on the ship’s rail a measured distance apart. When the flotsam passed the forward mark, the pilot would start a quick chant, and when it passed the aft mark, the pilot would stop chanting. The pilot would note the last syllable reached in the chant, and he had a mnemonic that would convert that syllable into a speed in miles per hour. This method would not work when the ship was moving very slowly, since the chant would nm to the end before the flotsam had reached the aft mark.


Columbus was the first sailor (that we know of) who kept a detailed log of his voyages, but only the log of the first voyage survives in any detail. It is by these records that we know how Columbus navigated, and how we know that he was primarily a DR navigator.

43.___________________. If Columbus had been a celestial navigator, we would expect to see continuous records of celestial observations; but Columbus’s log does not show such records during either of the transatlantic portions of the first voyage.

It has been supposed by some scholars that Columbus was a celestial navigator anyway, and was using unrecorded celestial checks on his latitude as he sailed west on his first voyage. 44.______________________ In other words, if Columbus were a celestial navigator, we would expect to see a sense of small intermittent course corrections in order to stay at a celestially determined latitude. These corrections should occur about every three or four days, perhaps more often.

But that is not what the log shows. 45.________________. Only three times does Columbus depart from this course: once because of contrary winds, and twice to chase false signs of land southwest. In none of these cases does he show any desire to return to a celestially-determined latitude . This argument is a killer for the celestial hypothesis.

[A] Since DR is dependent upon continuous measurements of course and distance sailed, we should expect that any log kept by a DR navigator would have these records; and this is exactly what Columbus’s log looks like.

[B] On his return voyage in 1493, Columbus started from Samaria Bay on the north coast of Hispaniola, and he made landfall at Santa Maria Island in the Azores. We know his entire DR courses and distances between these two points, since they’re recorded in his log.

[C] In order for this method to work, the navigator needs a way to measure his course, and a way to measure the distance sailed. Course was measured by a magnetic compass. Distance was determined by a time and speed calculation: the navigator multiplied the speed of the vessel (in miles per hour) by the time traveled to get the distance.

[D] On the first voyage westbound, Columbus sticks doggedly to his magnetic westward course for weeks at a time.

[E] Could Columbus has corrected his compasses by checking them against the stars and thus avoids the need for course corrections This would have been possible in theory, but we know that Columbus could not have actually done this.

[F] Speed (and distance) was measured every hour. The officer of the watch would keep track of the speed and course sailed every hour by using a peg-board with holes radiating from the center along every point of the compass. The peg was moved from the center along the course traveled, for the distance made during that hour. After four hours, another peg was used to represent the distance made good in leagues during the whole watch. At the end of the day, the total distance and course for the day was transferred to the chart.

[G] In that case, as magnetic variation pulled his course southward from true west, he would have noticed the discrepancy from his celestial observations, and he would have corrected it.

