
题型:单项选择题 案例分析题


病历摘要:患者女性,28岁,足月妊娠分娩后1周,逐渐出现头痛,前额及头顶明显,多为胀痛,夜晚加重,伴呕吐,右下肢乏力。入院前1天出现全身抽搐2次,每次5分钟后清醒。既往体健。入院查:血压150/95mmHg,心律整齐,神志清楚,检查合作,视 * * 边缘模糊,生理凹不清,余各对颅神经(-)。右下肢轻瘫试验(+),肌张力正常,腱反射正常,全身深浅感觉正常。血、便常规正常,尿蛋白(+)。脑电图示额中央区高波幅θ活动。头颅CT平扫未见异常。










题型:单项选择题 案例分析题


图1     图2     图3      图4




题型:单项选择题 案例分析题


A.double d=Math.cos(42);

B.double d=Math.cosine(42);

C.double d=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42) );

D.double d=Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42) );

题型:单项选择题 案例分析题






题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

The teaching of English as a second language (ESL) in schools has had a history of conflicting arguments, interesting innovations and some very positive methodological changes. To understand the present situation, it is necessary to consider the past and the wider educational context which has a hearing on it.

Until quite recently, approaches to ESL work have been ply influenced by methods developed to teach English as a foreign language to older learners. These methods placed much emphasis on drills, exercises and remedial programs that focus on language in abstraction. 46) The prescriptive nature of such methods and the demands they made on the teacher’s time developed the belief that ESL work could be tackled only by the specialist ESL teacher working with small groups of children. Such an approach does not fit comfortably into current notions of learning and teaching in the primary school, nor does it sufficiently equip ESL learners in the secondary school to benefit from normal schooling. 47) In prescribing what language is to be taught, it has ignored what children bring to the learning task and the choices they make about how and what they want to learn. Furthermore, the location and organization of language provision did not measure up to the demand. 48)The language centers and English language services all contributed to providing special and concentrated teaching of English as a second language in small groups, varying in size from four or five to fifteen. Whatever the pattern of provision, the main aim was to give pupils sufficient English to enable them to join normal schools as quickly as possible. The success of such special provision depended very much on the close and constant liaison of language teachers with the subject teachers and the class teachers and on the continuity of learning experiences provided by them. 49)One of the important disadvantages of language centers and withdrawal groups was that ESL children were being taught away from those English -speakers who provide the most powerful models, i. e. their peer group. Peer-group interaction is an important element in any learning situation, but its particular strengths in a classroom with ESL learners cannot be overemphasized.

50) The separation of second language learners from the mainstream classroom cannot easily be justified on educational grounds, since in practice it leads to both their curriculum and language learning being impoverished.

Notes: context 环境。bear on 对......有影响,关系到...... 。例如:I don’t see how this bears on the matter. (我不明白这一点与那些事的关系。)liaison n. 联结。liaison of A with A与B之间的联系。

48)The language centers and English language services all contributed to providing special and concentrated teaching of English as a second language in small groups, varying in size from four or five to fifteen.

题型:单项选择题 案例分析题




