神经源性膀胱非手术治疗方法() A.留置导尿 B.膀胱冲洗 C.间歇性导尿 D.膀胱











       Zhang Tiejun,14, Sichuan: On my first day of middle school, the teacher asked us to sit according

to height. The shorter students would sit in the first row, and the taller in the last. I’m one of the shortest,

but he asked me to sit in the last row. With tall classmates in front of me, I had to stand up to see the blackboard and take notes. I got high scores in the next midterm exam, and the teacher put me in the first row.

       Li Yuhan,13, Heilongjiang: I like playing basketball with my classmates. One day, when we were

playing, some tall students came and told us to leave. We asked why. Then one of them threw our

basketball away and said: “ Because we will beat you if you don’t go away.” We had to pick our

basketball up and walk away.

       Wu Yunqiang, 13, Beijing: I’m the best painter in my class. There was a school painting competition last year. I thought I should take part on behalf of our class. But the teacher didn’t put me in the contest.

Instead, the teacher gave the chance to a classmate who is at the top of the class in studies, but knows nothing about painting.

       Liu Yuyan, 14, Guangxi: One day, two students didn’t bring their homework to school: our monitor Li and me. The teacher told Li not to forget next time. Then he began to blame me. He said: “ You must

have watched TV last night and not done your homework. Ask your mother to come to school

tomorrow.” The truth was that I did the homework that night , but forgot to bring it to school. From then

on, I didn’t forget it because I don’t want that unfair treatment any more.

        Suggestions: Life is unfair sometimes. There’s something unfair at school, too. When you’re

wronged(受委屈) by those who have more power than you(like teachers and some classmates), there

may be nothing that you can do about it. Don’t think too long about it. Just make sure you don’t do the

same kinds of things to others in the future. But in a case like Liu’s, you can go to the teacher’s office to

talk to him or her frankly(坦诚地). Let the teacher know the truth and understand you better. And if you

feel something is wrong that you can’t accept, go to your parents or a trusted(信得过的) adult for help.

1.What did the student Li Yuhan and his classmates meet one day?

A. Some tall students didn’t let them play basketball.

B. Some tall students beat them and took away their basketball .

C. The teacher didn’t let them enter the painting competition.

D. They beat some tall students and took away their basketball.

2.The teacher let Zhang Tiejun sit in the first row finally because________.

A. his parents phoned the teacher.

B. he himself went to ask the teacher.

C. he’s one of the shortest students.

D. he was good at studying and got good marks.

3. Who forgot to bring her homework and was blamed by the teacher?

A. Wu Yunqiang

B. Liu Yuyan

C. Monitor Li

D. Zhang Tiejun 

4. What can’t we students do when we are wronged?

A. Don’t think too long about unfair things.

B. We can go to the teacher’s office and have a good talk with him/ her.

C. We can give the same unfair treatment to those that have ever given us.

D. We can ask our parents for help.











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