脑内多发性硬化最常见部位是() A.侧脑室周围白质 B.视交叉及视神经 C.基底节











     Their reunion was unlike any other.  Graduating from the Macon, Georgia,  class of 1959 gathered

together in 2009, even though many of them never had an opportunity to meet during their high school


    Schools in the 1950's, like most other public locations, were segregated (隔离)in Georgia. Kids were

forced to attend different schools depending on the color of their skin, and those with white skin were

further separated by gender. Fifty years later these people who were not allowed to associate with each

other were finally able to connect.

    It all began with the personal journey of a man named Tom Johnson. He grew up in Macon and

enjoyed a very successful career which included serving as the publisher of the Los Angeles Times and

president of CNN. Tom's life changed drastically over the years, but he still felt the desire to reconnect

with his roots.

    In 2005 Johnson returned to Macon with his son, Wyatt. As the pair drove around town,  the father

recounted high school stories to his son. He talked about how students attended one of three schools:

BallardHudson, Lanier or Miller. Wyatt looked over at his father and said:"Dad  think about how many

friends you missed getting to know."

    Johnson thought about the people he never got the chance to meet. He decided to do something

about it.

    The first step was to find people who graduated from all three schools. Johnson wrote to each person

and proposed they all get together for a luncheon. He explained that even though they were kept apart

during their youth, they didn't have to be separated any more. His classmates received the message with

open hearts. A reunion date was set for October.

     More than 200 former Macon students traveled hundreds of miles to reunite with people who went

to high school with them. It was an unprecedented event, former students coming together to make up

for the time they had lost during the days of segregation.

1. White students in Georgia in the 1950's could ________.  

A. attend school of a single sex

B. attend school of mixed sexes

C. attend school with students of other skin colors

D. attend any school they like

2. When the classmates received the message from Tom, they ________. 

A. were all eager for the reunion

B. were doubtful about his real purpose

C. refused to listen to him

D. all began to miss him

3. We can learn from the passage that Tom Johnson ________.  

A. began to miss his old school friends after he retired

B. wanted to reconnect with his roots after the dramatic         changes in his life

C. wanted to reconnect with his roots in spite of his successful career

D. began to miss his old school friends after hearing his     son's words

4. The passage mainly tells us ________.  

A. the success story of Tom Johnson

B. the segregation in Georgia in the 1950's

C. an unusual reunion of old graduates

D. the old school system in Georgia


A cat in London has been taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to ____ this special passenger.[ ]

A. put down

B. pick out

C. leave behind

D. drop out











现在,很多保健品的广告做得很好,但消费者并不知道自己有没有必要吃这些东西,其实很多保健品在研发时并未做过________调查,并不知道哪种营养素是大家普遍缺乏的。服用未经这样的调查就开发出来的保健品,对消费者来说完全是一种________。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。

A.严格 误导

B.科学 浪费

C.跟踪 欺骗

D.实地 伤害
