胃癌最常以下列哪种方式发生转移() A.血行移植 B.淋巴转移 C.直接蔓延 D.腹










以下哪些是Arcon型牙合架的特点 ()













     In 1982, I was a young marketing person in a company in Mumbai. I had a very senior colleague
named Paul, who taught me how to   1   marketing effectively and how to deal with life   2    .
     It was one of those   3   days…management, sales calls, planning my travel schedule, booking hotels,
arranging appointments and the   4   was endless. By the end of the day, I was not only exhausted but was
getting    5   . It was at this time that Paul invited me to his house to have a rest.
     We made our way to Paul's house. Although   6   after a day's hard work, I was excited to chat with
Paul and   7   his rich experience in marketing. As we entered his house   8   the main door, Paul started
singing his favourite song, I have a dream. I was in no   9   to listen to his song. I only wanted to hear about how he handled  10  sales calls.
     As I leaned over Paul's shoulder to tell him that, two young girls walked up to Paul and hugged him.
They couldn't walk steadily, and neither could they talk   11  , but their faces were full of   12   and they
also sang a song: No mummy's kisses only daddy's smiles; nobody wants us, and daddy hugs us tonight.
     I was watching what was going on, totally   13  in the beautiful singing, when Paul tapped me on the
shoulder and asked me to sit down.   14   to know, I asked Paul who these girls were. To my   15  , Paul
told me they were his daughters and they were born as "   16  children" (mentally disabled). His wife died
and he was both Mother and Father to them.
     I was moved to tears. In the office, no one knew what Paul was   17   in his personal life. He never
looked for   18   from his friends and colleagues. On the contrary, he always helped us at the office. And
being head of the Department, he always    19   us to move forward in life.
     Paul's life has been a great   20   to me. If a man can smile through these troubles, nothing can prevent
him from achieving success in work or life.
( )1. A. do            
( )2. A. calmly        
( )3. A. busy          
( )4. A. call          
( )5. A. disappointed  
( )6. A. worried      
( )7. A. share        
( )8. A. for          
( )9. A. condition    
( )10. A. grateful    
( )11. A. properly    
( )12. A. fear        
( )13. A. caught      
( )14. A. Curious      
( )15. A. disappointed
( )16. A. talented    
( )17. A. coming across
( )18. A. sympathy    
( )19. A. allowed      
( )20. A. confusion    
B. reduce        
B. cheerfully    
B. happy        
B. event        
B. excited      
B. tired        
B. celebrate    
B. into          
B. mood          
B. expensive    
B. freely        
B. scars        
B. lost          
B. Keen          
B. joy          
B. naughty      
B. going through
B. opinions      
B. trained      
B. challenge    
C. learn      
C. hurriedly  
C. pleasant    
C. list        
C. refreshed  
C. discouraged
C. collect    
C. through    
C. patience    
C. unlucky    
C. actively    
C. smiles      
C. stuck      
C. Strange    
C. relief      
C. special    
C. dealing with
C. requirement
C. forced      
C. inspiration
D. handle      
D. quickly      
D. worrying    
D. order        
D. annoyed      
D. ashamed      
D. improve      
D. with        
D. situation    
D. troublesome  
D. slowly      
D. tears        
D. trapped      
D. Stubborn    
D. surprise    
D. homeless    
D. putting on  
D. friendship  
D. encouraged  
D. impression  

The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

James Joyce revolutionized the novel, the short story, and modern literature as we know it. He was born in Dublin, the first of 10 children in a Catholic family. His father was a civil servant whose poor financial judgment left the family impoverished for much of Joyce’s youth. Young James attended Dublin’s fine Jesuit schools, which gave him a firm grounding in theology and classical languages--subjects that appeared repeatedly in his later work. The story of his early life and his intellectual rebellion against Catholicism and Irish nationalism are told in the largely autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

In 1902, at the age of 20, Joyce left Dublin to spend the rest of his life in Paris, Trieste, Rome, and Zurich, with only occasional visits back home. Despite this self-imposed exile, Dublin was the setting for most of his writings. Dubliners (1914), Joyce’s most accessible work, is a collection of short stories describing the paralyzing social mores of middle-class Catholic life. "The Dead," the final story in the collection, is frequently listed as one of the finest short stories ever written.

Joyce’s next book, Ulysses, took seven years to write; once he finished writing it, he almost couldn’t find anyone to publish it. Upon the novel’s publication, both Ireland and the United States immediately banned it as obscene. Despite these obstacles, Ulysses has come to be generally recognized as the greatest twentieth-century novel written in English. The novel was revolutionary in many ways. The structure was unique: Joyce recreated one rill day in the life of his protagonist, Leopold Bloom, and modeled the actions of the story on those of Ulysses in the Odyssey. In recounting Bloom’s day, Joyce mentions everything that happens to Bloom--including thoughts, bodily functions, and sexual acts--providing a level of physical actuality that had never before been achieved in literature. To provide a psychological insight comparable to the physical detail, Joyce employed a then-revolutionary technique called stream of consciousness, in which the protagonist’s thoughts are laid bare to the reader.

From 1922 until 1939, joyce worked on a vast, experimental novel that eventually became known as Finnegan’s Wake. The novel, which recounts "the history of the world" through a family’s dreams, employs its own "night language" of puns, foreign words, and literary allusions. It has no clear chronology or plot, and it begins and ends on incomplete sentences that flow into each other. Many of Joyce’s supporters thought he was wasting his time on the project, although the playwright Samuel Beckett, who later won the Nobel Prize for Literature, helped Joyce compile the final text when his eyesight was failing. Today, Finnegan’s Wake is viewed as Joyce’s most obscure and possibly most

Which of the following would make the most appropriate title for this passage ?()

A. The Long Way Home: Ulysses and Finnegan’s Wake

B. James Joyce, Ulysses, and the Battle against Censorship

C. The Works of James Joyce, Ireland’s Literary Genius

D. The Hidden Value of James Joyce’s Great Novels

E. A Portrait of James Joyce as a Young Man


