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题型:问答题 简答题


材料二、《中 * * 关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》中明确指出:“社会公平正义是社会和谐的基本条件,制度是社会社会公平正义的根本保证》”


(2)为维护和保障社会公平,我国都采取了哪些措施? (2分)


题型:问答题 简答题

They wear the latest fashions with the most up-to-date accessorise(配饰)。Yet these are ginrls in their teens or twenties but  women in their sixties and seventies.A gengration which would once only wear old-fashioned clothes is now faouring the same high street looks worn by those half their age.

Professor Julia Twigg, a social policy expert , said ,“Wimen over 75 are now shopping for clothes more frequently than they old when they were young in the 1960s .In the 1960s buying a coat for a woman was a serious matter . It was an expensive item that they would puechase only every three or four years — now you can pick one up at the supernnackrt  whosever you wish to .Fashion is a lot cheaper and peope fet tired of things more quickiy . ”

Fashion designer Angela Barnard ,who runs own fashion business in London ,said older women were much more affected celebrity(名流) style than in previous years .

She said ,“When people see stars such as Judi Dench and Helen Mirren looking attractive and fashionable in their sixties ,they want to follow them . Older women are much more aware of celebrities .There’s also the boom in TV programmes showing people how they can change theiy look,and many of my older customers do roga to stay in shape well in their fifties . When I started my business a fen years ago .my older customers wended to be very rich, but now they are what I would call ordinary women .My own mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would caill ordinsry women .My own mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would never have done ten yeare ago.”

59. Professor Twigg found that ,compared with the 1960s,_______.

A. the price of clothes has generally fallen by 70%

B. the spending on clothes has increased by 5% or 6%

C. people spend 30% less than they did on cotothes

D. the amount of chothes bought has risen by 5% or 6%

60. What can we learn about old women in terms of fashion?

A.They are often ignored by fashion designers .

B. They are now more easily influenced by stars .

C. They are regarded as pioneers in the latest fashion .

D. They are more interested in clothes because of their old age .

61. It can be concluded that old women tend to wear the latest fashions today mainly because.

A. they get tired of things more quickly

B.TV shows teach them how to change look

C. they are in much better shape now

D. clothes are much cheaper than before

62. Which is the best possible title of the passage ?

A. Age Is No Barrier for Fashion Fans

B.The More Fashionable ,the Less Expensive

C.Unexpected Changes in Fashion

D.Boom of the British Fashion Industry

题型:问答题 简答题

依我国《保险法》规定,投保人和保险人订立保险合同,不得损害社会公共利益。( )

题型:问答题 简答题


题型:问答题 简答题





