(15分)碳和氮的化合物与人类生产、生活密切相关。 (1)在一恒温、恒容密闭容器




(1)在一恒温、恒容密闭容器中发生反应: Ni(s)+4CO(g)  Ni(CO)4(g),H<0。利用该反应可以将粗镍转化为纯度达99.9%的高纯镍。对该反应的说法正确的是           






已知:C(s)+O2(g)==CO(g)  H= -Q1 kJ·mol-1

C(s)+ O2(g)==CO2(g)   H= -Q2 kJ·mol-1

S(s)+O2(g)==SO2(g)    H= -Q3 KJ·mol-1

则SO2(g)+2CO(g)==S(s)+2CO2(g)  H=         kJ·mol-1


700oC时,其中最难被还原的金属氧化物是         (填化学式),用一氧化碳还原该金属氧化物时,若反应方程式系数为最简整数比,该反应的平衡常数(K)数值等于             。


若该燃料电池使用一段时间后,共收集到20mol Y,则理论上需要消耗标准状况下氧气的体积为       L。


American and British researchers have proved that judgments based on how someone looks are important. They found that appearance tells a lot about your personality.

The researchers included Laura Naumann of Sonoma State University in California, and Simine Vazire of Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri. They were joined by Sam Gosling of the University of Texas at Austin and Peter J. Rentfrow of Britain's Cambridge University. The results of their study were published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin in December, 2009.

The subjects(接受实验者)were asked to judge the personality of people they had never met. The judges examined pictures of one hundred twenty-three people. The people in the photographs had been told how to stand. They looked into the cameras without showing their feelings. The same people also were photographed the way they themselves wanted to stand. Those who wanted to smile could smile.

Then the judges attempted to decide what the people were like. The researchers compared the judges’ opinions with the way the people who were photographed thought of themselves. Three people who knew those in the photographs well also provided information about their personality and behavior.

The judges looked for ten qualities in the people in the pictures. The qualities included extroversion (having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people) and self-esteem (being satisfied with oneself).

The judges also looked for signs of loneliness, conscientiousness(正义), emotional control and religious and political beliefs.

The researchers said the judges could identify some personalities even when people were pictured in controlled positions. They could recognize personalities like extroversion and self-esteem. But it was hard for the judges to decide about most other personalities under the controlled conditions.

When the people smiled and stood naturally, however, judging their personalities was easy. Then the judges’ choices were correct for nine of the ten personalities.

Researcher Laura Nauman said that we live in the world where first impressions are important.

1. According to the passage, who were the judges?

A. The researchers of the study.                       B. The subjects in the study.

C. Parents and other adults.                               D. People in the photographs.

2. Which of the following qualities could the judges identify even when people were pictured in controlled positions?

A. Extroversion                   B. Religious beliefs              C. Loneliness         D. Emotional control

3. We can infer from the passage that ____________

A. the study was carried out by four researchers from America.

B. in the study126 people were photographed for judges to decide their personalities.

C. the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin is an official publication(出版物).

D. it was hard to recognize personalities when the people were pictured with natural looks.

4. What will the author most probably talk about next?

A. The quality of the judges.                      B. The personalities of Laura Nauman.

C. Signs of emotional control.                   D. The reason why one’s appearance is important.


A、B是两种同主族元素的原子,当它们都获得2个电子形成稳定结构的阴离子时,A放出的能量大于B,由此可知(  )






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