肾在志为() A.怒 B.喜 C.思 D.悲 E.恐













MONTAGNE: In the summer of 2011, the world first heard of a small island in Norway under the most terrible of circumstances. Utoya Island was a youth camp run by Norway's Labor Party. One day in July, a heavily armed, right-wing extremist stepped onto the island and began shooting at random. Sixty-nine people died, over 100 were wounded; almost all, young people. This month, artist Jonas Dahlberg was appointed to create a memorial. He described to us the experience he imagines for those who come to the island.

DAHLBERG: You start your walk through a forest of evergreens on a wooden pathway. After a while, this pathway starts to go down into the landscape.

MONTAGNE: Down into the landscape, and into a short tunnel. When you come out, you are unable to go any farther. You can't get to the tip of the island because it has been cut off. So all you can do is look across a narrow channel of water at what is now a wall of polished stone, carved with the names of the dead.

DAHLBERG: It becomes almost like a gravestone. You cannot reach it. It's close enough to be able to read, but it's forever lost for your possibility to reach.

MONTAGNE: It's being called a memory wound. Exactly what do you mean by that?

DAHLBERG: During my first site visit, the experience of seeing those gunshots—and you can see it was like being in an open wound. And it took me to a stage of deep sadness where it was hard to breathe. So I didn't want to illustrate loss; I wanted to make actual loss. It's just a cut through the island.

MONTAGNE: On the day of the massacre, just hours before launching his shooting on the island, the killer set off a bomb in downtown Oslo, leaving eight people dead. As those events were unfolding, artist Jonas Dahlberg had been out with his brother, and stopped in at a seaside village.

DAHLBERG: In the harbor, it was silent, and this is the higher end of summer. So, it's normally a very lively place. And it was total silence there; and it was a very, very strange feeling in the whole small village. And it's totally impossible to grasp what is going on. And then it just kept on. It's still almost impossible to understand it. It's also one of the reasons why it's so important with memorials for these kind of things. It's to maybe help a little bit to understand what was happening. So it's not just about remembering. It's also about trying to just understand.

MONTAGNE: Artist Jonas Dahlberg designed the memorial for the 69 who died at a youth camp on Utoya Island. The attack was the deadliest in Norway since World War II. That memorial will open in 2015. And to see a virtual version of what it will look like, go to our website, at npr.org. This is Renee Montagne at NPR news.

小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Utoya Island was the only bloody shooting spot planned by the killer.

B.Utoya Island used to be a youth camp site and now has been reduced to total silence.

C.Dahlberg and his brother witnessed the shooting on Utoya Island.

D.Visitors to Utoya Island can touch the names of the victims carved on the polished stone.小题2:By the underlined phrase “a memory wound”, Dahlberg means all the following EXCEPT that ________.

A.the artist plans to slice through the end of an island to make actual loss

B.memorials are supposed to be not only about remembering but helping people to understand what was happening

C.this memorial shows the gunshots vividly to the visitors for them to understand what was happening

D.the space between is meant to symbolize how those who were killed are gone but are not forgotten小题3: Which of the following pictures shows the design of the memorial?














Since life is short and the world is wide, the sooner you start exploring it, the better. Soon enough the time will come when you are too tired to move farther than the terrace of the best hotel. Go now.

No need, you may say, to tell that. But what I need to tell you is that you will meet with a surprising amount of opposition the moment you try to set out. Rubbish, you will reply. More people go abroad nowadays than ever before; never has travel, particularly among the young, been more strongly visit, of international exchanges. Perhaps not; but none of this, my dear young friends, is travel. Travel is not going on a round coach trip for $ 67 in all, or spending ten days at a hotel by the sea. Travel is when you want to see how much money and resources you have and then set out, alone or with chosen friends, to make an unhurried journey to a distant goal without a set date for your return.

Real travel, then, is independence in action, and is not liked by most parents. They don’t mind your going in a school party to Athens, because they know just where you are and when you’ll be back, and they can therefore permit you the imagination of freedom without for one second letting you beyond their control. But what they cannot bear is that you should travel all on your own, without giving them your address and return date. In fact, their fears are quite reasonable because that shows how much they love you. So in order to enjoy real travel and at the same time put your parents’ mind at ease. It would be really important for you to bear the following advice in mind.

5. Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. People travel more than before.                                  

B. Young people are encouraged to travel abroad.

C. People should not go on a round coach trip for $ 67.

D. Educational visits should not be encouraged as they are not real travel.

6.What does real travel mean according to the writer?

A. It means telling your parents nothing about the travel   

B. It means not knowing where you want to go.

C. It means traveling to a distant goal in an unhurried manner.  

D. It means traveling without any plan.

7. Your parents allow you to travel in a school party because ________.

A. they want you to be truly free                       B. you are still under their control

C. they don’t have time to travel with you          D. they know it’s good for you

8. According to the writer, when you do real traveling, you should ________.

A. never mind how worried your parents are             

B. give your parents your address and return date

C. tell your parents details about your travel       

D. not let your parents worry about you


