不符合慢性泪囊炎临床特征表述的是() A.泪溢和眼分泌物增多 B.挤压泪囊可见脓性分

题型:单项选择题 A型题







题型:单项选择题 A型题


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题型:单项选择题 A型题


题型:单项选择题 A型题

When workers become more efficient, it’s normally a good thing. But lately, it has acted as a powerful brake on job creation. And the question of whether the recent surge in productivity has run its course is the key to whether job growth is finally poised to take off.

One of the great surprises of the economic downturn that began 27 months ago is this.. Businesses are producing only 3 percent fewer goods and services than they were at the end of 2007, yet Americans are working nearly 10 percent fewer hours because of a mix of layoffs and cutbacks in the workweek.

(46) That means high-level gains in productivity--which in the long run is the key to a higher standard of living but in the short run contributes to sky-high unemployment. So long as employers can squeeze dramatically higher output from every worker, they won’t need to hire again despite the growing economy.

(47) On Friday, the Labor Department will release a closely watched March employment report expected to show the pest job growth in three years, driven by stabilization in the economy and a rebound from February snowstorms.

A p March job-growth number-at a time when the economy is growing at only a middling pace--would suggest that the productivity boom has largely run its course. (48) Regardless, the question of what caused the burst in workers’ efficiency is one of the great unanswered questions of the expansion and has huge stakes for the economy over the coming year.

"It is an episode that we’re going to--we, economists in general--are going to want to understand better and look at for a long time," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said at a hearing last week in which he described the productivity gains as "extraordinary" and acknowledged he had not foreseen them.

(49) Businesses have certainly not been investing in new equipment that might enable workers to be more efficient-capital expenditures plummeted during the recession and are rebounding slowly. (50) And the structural shifts occurring in the economy are so profound that one would expect productivity to be lower, rather than higher, as people need new training to work in parts of the economy that are growing, such as exports and the clean-energy sector.

So what’s happening As best as anyone can guess, the crisis that began in 2007 and deepened in 2008 caused both businesses and workers to panic.

(48) Regardless, the question of what caused the burst in workers’ efficiency is one of the great unanswered questions of the expansion and has huge stakes for the economy over the coming year.

题型:单项选择题 A型题

大同的甲与北京的乙签订买卖合同,甲供应给乙300吨煤炭,于2000年12月1日全部交清,以应对12月1日至12月15日的供暖高峰时段用煤,交货地点在乙方所在地,2001年5月1日乙付清全部款项3万元。双方同时约定了定金条款,乙向甲交付定金5000元,乙当即交付。11月12日甲委托丙运输公司运送 300吨煤炭到乙方所在地,但是丙运输公司由于驾驶员的过错遭遇事故,到12月1日只有 150吨煤炭运到乙方所在地,另外150吨直到1月1日才到达。由于逾期交货,乙向甲主张定金罚则,以下关于定金罚则在本案中的运用,说法正确的有:





题型:单项选择题 A型题


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