





(1)学生用的作业本约三(    )多页。 

(2)《现代汉语词典》约一(   )六(   )多页。  

(3)贝贝身高一(    )四(    )多厘米。 

(4)明明他们村约有三(    )多人。


作为启动农村市场的突破口,小城镇的崛起在不少地方确实起到了牵一发而动全身的作用。不少沉寂多年、发展滞后的小城镇一下子变成了大工地,短短几年时间里,一座座旧镇换了新颜。红红火火的表象背后,也有少数像“中华果都”一样的乡镇,脱离实际、盲目跟风,致使群众怨声载道。一些县把小城镇新增多少建筑面积当做一项重要指标来考核,层层下指标、级级压任务。有的甚至还定出了时间表,提出5年再造一个新城。小城镇建设基本上处于无序的、粗放的、盲目赶速度、上规模、扩总量的状态中。 安徽省阜阳市的一个县为了促进小城镇的繁荣,不仅强迫农民进城盖房,而且还把吸引农民进城的指标分派到机关干部的头上,要求每个干部帮助1户至5户农民进小城镇盖房,并且一律要盖楼房。迫于无奈,县直机关只好四处筹资建房,有的机关干部甚至自己掏出上万元来完成任务。 这种急功近利的短期行为,致使不少地方的小城镇建设缺乏科学、长远的规划,即使一些有规划的,也多停留在纸上画画、墙上挂挂,建几条街,盖几栋楼,内部工业、商业、住宅等各种功能区分不尽合理,混杂现象普遍。在建筑风格上,许多地方更是千篇一律的二层小楼,没有任何特点。“一条街,两张皮,鸭舌帽子一样齐”的临街建设,以及“火柴盒式”的民房,成了一些小城镇建设的共同写照。这些一哄而上的低品位建筑,一时看起来还说得过去,可以写进某些领导的“政绩簿”,但几年或十几年一过,又要落后,随之而来的就可能是下一轮的大拆大建。这种社会资源的极大浪费,对农村经济发展有百害而无一利。 问:(1)你认为案例中提到的安徽省阜阳市某小城镇的行政效率如何分析说明其原因。 (2)该县某些领导的做法违背了行政效率测定的哪些原则


Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal. Towering over the ancient Indian city of Agra, the Taj Mahal is the grandest monument (纪念碑) to love ever created.

The lovers in this story are the 17th century Indian emperor Shah Jehan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. She took a leading role in advising him, which is something unusual for a woman to do for a husband who’s an emperor. Over the course of their nineteen-year marriage she gave birth to 14 children. But in 1631 while trying to deliver their fifteenth — she tragically died. He was heartbroken when she died. And after her death, he decided to build the world’s greatest monument ever built, for love.

He ordered the royal architects to design the most beautiful building the world had known and decided to name it after his beloved, Mumtaz Mahal. He called on twenty thousand workers and sent many more people to all corners of his country in search of valuable metals and jewels. And after seventeen years of hard work, Shah Jehan’s monument was completed and his beloved empress was moved to her final resting place.

Everything had gone according to plan, but Shah Jehan’s luck was about to change ... In 1658, just four years after the completion of the Taj Mahal, he was thrown out of power. Unfortunately, his son, Aran Azibe imprisoned him, his own father. And he spent the last seven years of his life in prison. And he was allowed to look at the Taj Mahal through a window. His life was in ruins, but when he died his last wish was promised. He was buried beside his beloved wife in the Taj Mahal.

68 . The Taj Mahal was built for ______.

A. Mumtaz       B. Shah      C. Mumtaz or Shah   D. Mumtaz and Shah

69.  The Taj Mahal was completed in ______.

A. 1658   B. 1662         C. 1654         D. 1665

70 . What was unusual for Mumtaz Mahal according to the passage?

A. She gave birth to 14 children for her husband.

B. She gave important advice to her husband.

C. She asked her son to imprison his father

D. She planned to build the world’s greatest monument.

71.  Which of the following is TRUE about Shah Jehan?

A. He was killed by his own son. 

B. He lost his power as a result of the Taj Mahal.

C. He put his own son into prison.

D. He hoped to be buried together with his wife.









