【选修3-5选做题】 下列说法正确的是[ ] A. 在核电站中利用石墨、重水和普




下列说法正确的是  [ ]

A. 在核电站中利用石墨、重水和普通水来控制链式反应速度  

B. 中等大小的核的比结合能最大,因此这些核是最稳定的  

C. 原子的能量是不连续的,只能取一系列不连续的数值  

D. 天然放射现象的发现揭示了原子核具有复杂的结构



       A l0-year-old boy, Edwin, decided to study judo(柔道) although he had lost his left arm in a car

accident since 2 years ago.

       He began lessons with an old Japanese judo master(师傅).  He did so well, but after three months

of training, the master taught him only one move.

       "Master," Edwin finally said, "shouldn't I be taught more moves?"

       "This is the only move you know, but this is the only move you'll ever need to know.  "the master


       Several months later, the master took him to his first tournament(锦标赛). In the first match, he

seemed to be nervous.  But after some time, his opponent became impatient.  Little Edwin used his one

move to win the match.  Unexpectedly, he went into in the final.

       This time, his opponent was bigger and stronger. For a while, Edwin seemed to be o-vermatched.

Considered that he might get hurt, the referee(裁判员)called a time-out. He was about to stop the

match when the master said, "No, let him go on."

       With the match resuming(重新开始),his opponent made a critical mistake: he dropped his

guard. Suddenly, Edwin used his move to pin(压住)him. The little boy had won the tournament.

       On the way home, little Edwin asked, "Master,I really don't understand how Iopponentt to catch your left arm. " won the tournament

with only one move?

       "You won for two reasons," the master answered, "First, you've almost mastered one of the most

difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense(防御措施)for that move is for your 

opponentt to catch your left arm. "      

1. When did Edwin lose his left arm?

A. When he was 10.   

 B.When he was 2.    

C. When he was 8.    

D.When he was 12.

2. Why did the old' master only teach him one move?

A. Because the master thought Edwin had lost his left arm.    

B. Because the master realized Edwin was only 10 years old.    

C. Because the master didn't want to teach him more moves.    

D. Because the master thought the only move is most difficult but suitable for him.

3. Who wanted to stop the final?

A. The referee.    

B. The master.    

C. Edwrn.    

D. His opponent.

4. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that        

A. Your biggest weakness can become your biggest advantage

B. The secret of this move is that the opponent could catch Edwin's left arm

C. You can't defense your opponent's attack(攻击)

D. The secret of this move is that Edwin could catch his left arm

5. Which of the following words best describes the master?

A. Hardworking.    

B. Warm hearted.  

C. Knowledgeable.  

D. Famous.

  I have always loved cars. After graduating from college, I got one, which I
regarded as(把……当作)my favorite friend.I called it Victor. For the next
three years, everything I did was connected with(与……有关)Victor. I lived
a happy life. But because of money problems, I had to sell Victor. Then my life
broke down. Without Victor, I was like a fish out of water. Three months later,
with the encouragement of my friends, I decided to start a new life. I tried and
made it. Everything went well again. Losing my car made me grow up. I have
learned that life won’t always go our way, but we can chose to be positive
(积极的)and make the best of it.
1.______ of the car                  
Time of getting the car        
Reason for 3.______ the car to someone
Feelings of losing the car    
Improvement from the experience
2.______ graduating from
Because of money problems                    
Like a fish out of 4. ______
5.______ won't always go our way.We can
be positive.                         













  [注]①徂晖:落日余晖。②枳棘:枝小刺多的灌木。 ③鹓鸾:传说中与凤凰同类,非梧桐不止,非练实不食,非醴泉不饮。

(1)下列对本诗的理解,不正确的一项是(     )









