正常情况下同芯针电极记录到的MUAP峰-峰波幅为() A.1~5mV B.0.1~3

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题








题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题

光子具有动量,每个光子的动量mv=h/λ式中h为普朗克常量,又为光子的波长).当光照射到物体表面上时,不论光被物体吸收还是被物体表面反射,光子的动量都会发生改变,因而对物体表面产生一种压力,称为光压.图是列别捷夫设计的用来测量光压的仪器.图中两个圆片中,a是涂黑的,而b是光亮的、当光线照射到a上时,可以认为光子全部被吸收,而当光线照射到b上时,可以认为光子全部被反射.分别用光线照射在a或b上,由于光压的作用,都可以引起悬丝的旋转,旋转的角度可以借助于和悬丝一起旋转的 * * 面镜M进行观察.



题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题
_____小题1:. Robert Jones. Robert will be a guest teacher at the university beginning September 1. He has no car so needs accommodation that is very near work and that’s big enough for him and his wife. Privacy is important so he does not want to share things with others. As the university will pay his living expenses, money is no problem. 
_____小题2: Bill West. Bill will begin his undergraduate studies in the autumn term (September 2009). Bill is very sociable and is eager to live with others. He would prefer to stay in town rather than the university so he can experience more of what the city offers.
_____小题3: Shelia Budgie. Shelia, a postgraduate student from Australia, will come to the university at the beginning of April for 6 months’ study. She needs a very quiet, private place in the university where she can study in peace. As she loves to cook she also wants a place with a private kitchen.
_____小题4: Angelo Liokas. Angelo, a language student from Greece, arrives in October and wants to live in the university and share with other students so he can practice his English. As his money is very limited he needs an inexpensive room that has cooking and washing equipment available to him.
_____小题5: Linda Chan. Linda will finish her studies this spring and wants her family to come from China to attend her graduation ceremony. She needs a place that can accept the four family members planning to attend in April. They will also need Internet access to stay in touch with family members in China.
Location:  Outside university
Room Type: Shared flat
Availability: From 1 Sept. 2010
Number of beds: 5 singles
Weekly Rent: £65
Notes: I vacancy, sharing with male undergraduates.

Location: Inside university
Room Type: Private flat
Availability: From 25 Aug. 2010
Number of beds: 1 double
Weekly Rent: £92.40
Notes: Full private shower, basic kitchen, furniture, bedding services and broadband Internet included.


Location: Outside university
Room Type: Private flat
Availability: From 1 Apr.2010
Number of beds:2 doubles
Weekly Rent:£15.00
Notes: 1 double bedroom with lounge, kitchen, bathroom and WC. Sofa bed in lounge can be used as a second double bed. Includes free broadband Internet.

Location: Inside university
Room Type: Standard with washbasin
Availability: From 25 Sept. 2010
Number of beds:1 single
Weekly Rent:£70.00
Notes: Private single bedroom. Also has public kitchen, bathrooms, WC and relaxing area with sofas that are shared by around 15 people.

Location: Inside university
Room Type: Townhouse flats
Availability: From 25 Sept.2010
Number of beds:12 singles
Weekly Rent:£35.00
Notes: 12 people share each house. These are brand new for 2008, and each house contains a good size public kitchen, living area with sofas and downstairs laundry. 

Location: Inside university
Room Type: Studio
Availability: From 25 Mar.2010
Number of beds:1 double
Weekly Rent:£113.00
Notes: This quiet studio flat has a small private kitchen (fridge, microwave, stove), table and chairs, double bed, bathroom and Internet.

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题






题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题


A.借:应收账款——备用金 3000

贷:库存现金 3 000

B.借:预收账款——备用金 3000

贷:库存现金 3000

C.借:预付账款——备用金 3000

贷:库存现金 3000

D.借:其他应收款——备用金 3000

贷:库存现金 3000
