阴挺的病因有() A.难产 B.临产用力太过 C.年老体弱 D.产后操劳过早 E.慢























如图3所示为一种利用电磁原理制作的充气泵的结构示意图,其工作原理类似打点计时器。当电流从电磁铁的接线柱a流入,吸引小磁铁向下运动时,以下选项中正确的是(   )


Motorists over the age of 75 face compulsory tests of their eyesight and ability to drive under proposals being considered by ministers.

The biggest overhaul of motoring law in a generation could also lead to all drivers having to give assurances(保证) of their fitness to get behind the wheel every 10 years.

Other changes under consideration include issuing(发放) daylight driving licenses for motorists with night blindness, together with stricter checks on all drivers whose medical condition brought a threat to other road users.

It is understood that the proposals will be part of a review of the law governing the medical fitness of drivers that will be announced publicly by the summer.

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is dealing with a rising number of motorists who are concerned that they have conditions---from failing eyesight to epilepsy---that could affect their driving.

In 2006, the DVLA dealt with 600,000 motorists whose physical ability to drive needed to be recertified(重新认证), a 20 per cent rise on the previous year. With an ageing population, the biggest challenge is dealing with the rising number of elderly motorists. By 2021, there will be an estimated three million drivers over the age of 70 on Britain’s roads.

Drivers must renew their licenses at the age of 70 and every three years thereafter. The applicant is legally required to tell the DVLA of any conditions that could weaken their ability behind the wheel.

Ministers have ruled out a compulsory maximum age for driving but will instead rely on tightening up the checks on motorists over the age of 75. The most likely option would be tests to ensure motorists were fit to drive. They would include an eyesight test and a cognitive(认知) test that would prove a driver’s ability to react to road signs, driving conditions, pedestrians and vehicles.

However, checks are likely to be tightened at all ages. The strictest controls are expected to be imposed(强制) on motorists of any age who have had a heart attack or stroke. They could have to produce a doctor’s approval to resume(重新得到) driving. Anyone making a false declaration would be guilty of a criminal offence.

小题1: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The new motoring law will come into effect by the summer.

B.Drivers over the age of 75 must renew their licenses every three years.

C.Doctors will decide whether one can get their driving licenses.

D.Drivers at all ages will be expected to provide their medical condition.小题2:What is the biggest challenge to the traffic safety in Britain according to the writer?

A.Ageing population.

B.Increasing number of cars.

C.Increasing number of elderly motorists.

D.Driving conditions.小题3: The underlined word “overhaul” in Paragraph 2 means _______.  




D.challenge小题4:What can be learned from the passage?

A.There will be more and more aged drivers in Britain.

B.Anyone can get a driving license as long as he/she is in good health.

C.Health tends to decline as one gets old.

D.It will be guilty to make a false declaration.


A scorching sun, an endless sea of sand and a waterless, forbiddingly lonely land—that is the image most people have of deserts. But how true is this picture Deserts are drylands where rainfall is low. This is not to say rain never falls in deserts: it may fall once or twice a year in a fierce torrent that fades almost as soon as it has begun, or which evaporates in the hot air long before it has got anywhere near the earth. It may fall in a sudden sweeping flood that carries everything in its path. Rains may only come once in five or six years or not fall for a decade or more. The Mojave desert in the United States remained dry for twenty-five years.
Without water no living thing can survive, and one feature of the true desert landscape is the absence of vegetation. With little rain and hardly any vegetation the land suffers under the sun. There are virtually no clouds or trees to protect the earth’s surface and it can be burning hot. Under the sun, soils break up and crack. Wind and torrential rain sweep away and erode the surface further. Eight million square kilometers of the world’s land surface is desert. Throughout history deserts have been expanding and retreating again. Cave paintings show that parts of the Sahara Desert were green and fertile about 10,000 years ago, and even animals like elephants and giraffes roamed the land. Fossil and dunes found in fertile and damp parts of the world show that these areas were once deserts. But now the creation of new desert areas is happening on a colossal scale. Twenty million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Canada, is at a high to very high risk of becoming desert. With a further 1.25 million square kilometers under moderate risk, an area covering 30% of the earth’s land surface is desert, becoming desert, or in danger of becoming desert. The rate of growth of deserts is alarming. The world’s drylands which are under threat include some of the most important stock-rearing and wheat-growing areas and are the homes of 600--700 million people. These regions are becoming deserts at the rate of more than 58, 000 square kilometers a year or 44 hectares a minute. In North Africa at least 100,000 hectares of cropland am lost each year. At this rate there is a high risk that we will be confined to living on only 50% of this planet’s land surface within one more century unless we am able to do something about it.

What does the passage tell us about rainfall in the desert

A. It never rains.
B. It rains so little that nothing can live.
C. It rains unexpectedly.
D. It rains very infrequently.
