




试验研究中对照组与试验组发病率差值再除以对照组发病率,所得指标为( )









“民生”,已成为今天中国在追求幸福过程中的网络热词和时代强音。2012年中央财政用于民生各方面支出的增幅均高于当年中央财政收入9.4%的增幅。2013年中央财政将进一步优化支出结构,突出重点、控制一般,把财政资金用在刀刃上,切实保障和改善民生。保障和改善民生的举措能够(    )

①推动社会主义和谐社会建设  ②鼓舞人民投身社会主义现代化建设 ③从根本上解决我国社会的主要矛盾 ④保障人民共享改革开放的成果







对丙的刑罚的执行机关是( )。






Renowned U. S. economist, John Rutledge, who helped frame the fiscal policies of two former U. S. presidents, warned that an abrupt rise in China’ s currency could lead to another Asian financial crisis. The founder of Rutledge Capital told the media that if the yuan rises (1) it would discourage foreign direct investment in China while (2) by market speculators. Currency change is more difficult for investors and (3) .
The Chinese currency has appreciated by (4) since July 2005 when the country allowed the yuan to (5) within a daily band of 0.3 percent. The analysts are expecting the currency to rise (6) by the end of this year. But if the yuan rose 20 to 30 percent, as some U. S. politicians are demanding, it would (7) causing a recession and deflation. Similar advice to allow an abrupt appreciation of a currency led to (8) in 1997, and came very close to destroying (9) . The U. S. economist says that investors want foremost to (10) associated with large fluctuations in currency and inflation. They (11) after evaluating risks to benefits such as (12) . A rising yuan would drive up labor costs for foreign investors and would not (13) .
Earlier reports said that currency speculators had pumped (14) U.S. dollars into China by the end of last year, with another 70 billion U. S. dollars (15) in the first three months of this year. There is no way to (16) of this type of investment and many economists disagree that (17) is so high. Instead of further appreciating its currency, China should make the yuan (18) . If the yuan were more easily converted into foreign currencies it would allow Chinese companies to expand overseas, (19) , and provide management experience and capital that China needs. It would also (20) and reduce speculative money coming into the country.

Renowned U. S. economist, John Rutledge, who helped frame the fiscal policies of two former U. S. presidents, warned that an abrupt rise in China’ s currency could lead to another Asian financial crisis. The founder of Rutledge Capital told the media that if the yuan rises (1) it would discourage foreign direct investment in China while (2) by market speculators. Currency change is more difficult for investors and (3) .
The Chinese currency has appreciated by (4) since July 2005 when the country allowed the yuan to (5) within a daily band of 0.3 percent. The analysts are expecting the currency to rise (6) by the end of this year. But if the yuan rose 20 to 30 percent, as some U. S. politicians are demanding, it would (7) causing a recession and deflation. Similar advice to allow an abrupt appreciation of a currency led to (8) in 1997, and came very close to destroying (9) . The U. S. economist says that investors want foremost to (10) associated with large fluctuations in currency and inflation. They (11) after evaluating risks to benefits such as (12) . A rising yuan would drive up labor costs for foreign investors and would not (13) .
Earlier reports said that currency speculators had pumped (14) U.S. dollars into China by the end of last year, with another 70 billion U. S. dollars (15) in the first three months of this year. There is no way to (16) of this type of investment and many economists disagree that (17) is so high. Instead of further appreciating its currency, China should make the yuan (18) . If the yuan were more easily converted into foreign currencies it would allow Chinese companies to expand overseas, (19) , and provide management experience and capital that China needs. It would also (20) and reduce speculative money coming into the country.
