Why do people drink too much, eat too mu



Why do people drink too much, eat too much, smoke cigarettes or take drugs? What’s to blame for all the bad behavior? Most people would say that, while these self-destructive acts can have many root causes, they all have one obvious thing in common: they are all examples of failures of self-control, lacking the will power to resist them.

According to a recent study, however, if you really think about it, something about that simple answer doesn’t quite make sense. In fact, it turns out that sometimes it’s having will power that really gets you into trouble.

Think back to the time you took your very first sip of beer. Disgusting, wasn’t it? When my father gave me my first taste of beer as a teenager, I wondered why anyone would voluntarily drink it. And smoking? No one enjoys their first cigarette — it tastes awful. So even though smoking, and drinking alcohol or coffee, can become temptation(attraction) you need will power to resist, they never, ever start out that way.

Just getting past those first horrible experiences actually requires a lot of self-control. Ironically (讽刺的是), only those who can control themselves well, rather than give in to them, can ever come to someday develop a “taste” for Budweiser beer, Marlboro cigarettes, or dark-roasted Starbucks coffee. We do it for social acceptance. We force ourselves to consume alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and even illegal drugs, in order to seem experienced, grown-up, and cool.

These bad habits aren’t self-control failures — far from it. They are voluntary choices, and they are in fact self-control successes. Self-control is simply a tool to be put to some use, helpful or harmful. To live happy and productive lives, we need to develop not only our self-control, but also the wisdom to make good decisions about when and where to apply it.

小题1:What do most people think causes bad behavior?

A.Being forced by others.

B.Not having enough will power.

C.Enjoying their first experiences.

D.Following the examples of their friends.小题2:The author mentions his experience in the third paragraph to prove ____.

A.will power helps develop bad habits sometimes

B.drinking beer is harmful to the health of teenagers

C.self-control should be developed when one is young

D.everyone can be challenged by different temptations小题3:In the last paragraph, the author stresses(强调) that ____.

A.without self-control, no one can succeed

B.bad habits don’t always lead to bad results

C.applying self-control correctly is important

D.people can develop wisdom from bad behavior小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?

A.My First Sip of Beer

B.Do You Have Will Power ?

C.Will Power Benefits Us

D.Dark Side of Self-control









人体血管内的血液昼夜奔流不息。然而一旦血管出现小破口,流出的血液便会在短时间内凝固(coagulation),以阻止更多的血液流出。这种神奇的保护机制涉及一大串连锁反应,已知参与其中的物质多达数十种。如同多米诺骨牌一样,参与凝血反应的因子________,层层递进,经过一系列级联和放大效应最终使得纤维蛋白原转化为纤维蛋白,正是由于后者的出现,液态的血液才慢慢转变为胶冻状并不再流动。参与凝血反应的因子多数为蛋白质,它们在肝脏合成、降解和失活,因而肝脏功能的好坏将直接影响人体的凝血功能,肝功能差的患者常常会出现皮下淤血。除此之外,肝脏合成某些凝血因子还少不了一种营养素的帮助——这就是维生素K。维生素K的促凝血作用是在1934年被一位名叫达姆(Henrik Carl Peter Dam)的丹麦科学家发现的。1929年,达姆在一项针对小鸡的实验中注意到了某种异常:当食物中长期缺乏脂类时,小鸡开始有自发出血的现象。达姆采集了 鸡的血液,发现鸡血的凝固时间大大延长了。这说明脂类食物中可能存在未知的促进血液凝固的物质。5年之后,达姆确认麻籽中富含这种止血物质,并将这种物质 命名为“凝血维生素”或维生素K。维生素K参与凝血因子Ⅱ,Ⅶ,Ⅸ,Ⅹ的合成。作为谷氨酸γ羧化反应的辅因子,维生素K能够确保肝脏产生足 够的正常凝血因子,继而保证凝血反应正常进行。天然维生素K(K1和K2)不溶于水,因而需要从富含脂类的食物(如动物肝脏)中摄取。但是正常情况下人体 并不会缺乏维生素K,因为还有部分维生素K(K2)可经肠道细菌合成。维生素K的吸收依赖胆汁,因此当胆汁流动的管道(胆管)被结石或肿瘤阻塞时,患者常 常会发生维生素K缺乏,继而产生凝血障碍。新生儿肠道菌群尚未完全建立,维生素K的合成能力不足,容易缺乏维生素K而产生出血症状。针对上述人群的出血, 补充维生素K会取得很好的止血效果。

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