阅读理解。 Name: Julia Rosetti Email: n195021




Name: Julia Rosetti

Email: n1950215@droid.fit.qut.edu.au

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Drugs: No

Alcohol: No

Sports/ Activities: I used to do a lot of ballet and stage work, my ambition was to be a professional

dancer before I got sick. Nowadays I love to read, and other stuff like that, as well as spending a lot of

time with my family and friends.

Grades: I finished high school last year, and I haven't started college because I've been sick. But I got

subject prizes in three subjects and high as in the rest.

Favorite Subject: I loved Music, English, History and Biology. Hard to pick a favorite - they're all so


Volunteer Work: It all depends on what you call "volunteer". Nothing really official, but I spend a lot of

my time working and playing with really sick kids, and they come to me for advice a lot.

What My Future Goals Are: I'd either like to go on to do stage work, or work with kids with serious

illnesses. I haven't decided which, yet.

What I do in My Spare Time: Talk to my friends and my family. Hang around with my hospital friends. Watch TV. Go to the movies when I can. I love going on picnics and other outdoorsy stuff.

How I'd Change the World: No question. Cure cancer. Eradicate it forever.

Largest Problem: Sometimes, I think it's having too many choices, and having too many expectations

and others having too many expectations of you. And all the implications (牵连) of this.

Why Would I Make a Good Counselor (顾问): I really want to help other people. I've made that my

life's ambition, to help as many people as I can.

Qualifications: I spend a lot of time doing this sort of stuff "unofficially" - I am the Discussion Manager

on a discussion list for seriously ill young people. People also write to me because of my homepage, often wanting advice, which I try to give them.

1. What can we infer about Julia Rosetti?

A. She is ill now with a cancer.

B. She has had an operation.

C. She is curing people of cancer.

D. She is working in a hospital.

2. The underlined word "eradicate" most probably means _____.

A. get out of

B. put an end of

C. break up

D. set aside

3. The underlined word "you" stands for _____.

A. Julia Rosetti herself

B. all her friends in her life

C. the person she refers to

D. everyone including herself

4. Which of the following statements is true about Julia Rosetti?

A. She had wanted to become a doctor.

B. She had done very well at college.

C. She often visits hospitals in her spare time.

D. She has her own homepage on the Internet.


(10分)2011年7月1日,是中 * * 党成立90周年的喜庆节日。90年的征程上,中 * * 党领航中国,实现民族独立、人民解放;确立社会主义基本制度;开创中国特色社会主义道路。三件举世瞩目的大事,不仅从根本上改变了中国人民的前途命运,决定了中国历史的发展走向,也深刻影响着世界变迁,铸就了永载史册的巍巍丰碑。天地之间,他们昂首站立着,在镰与锤的旗帜下,站成巍峨壮丽的群峰。坚持中 * * 党的领导是历史的选择,是人民的选择。

建设和发展中国特色的社会主义事业为什么要坚持中 * * 党的领导?




















