



材料一 经过两次世界大战的厮杀后,昔日称雄于世界的欧洲列强均已沦为二等国家、三等国家,他们面对的是一个虚弱不堪、支离破碎的欧洲。在东方,来自苏联和东欧盟国的威胁日益严重;在西方,来自美国的经济渗透和政治控制不断加强。欧洲政治家们清醒地认识到,如此下去,欧洲不再是欧洲人的欧洲。


材料二 从肯尼迪政府开始,标准的提法就是“平等的伙伴关系”。华盛顿官方一直表示希望看到欧洲成为一个单一的实体,有足够的力量同美国一起承担领导世界的责任和负担。这是有关这个问题的一套惯用的辞令。……美国也没有把关欧之间在伊朗和伊拉克问题上存在的分歧看作平等伙伴之间的问题,而是看作欧洲不服从美国的领导。


材料三 ……世界格局变化的根本动因是格局中主角力量的变化以及力量对比的变化。国家力量是决定世界政治格局的一个基本因素。充当世界格局主角的国家力量平衡是相对的,发展不平衡是绝对的。一些发展较早、实力较强的主角由于经济滞后、政策失误也会落后,甚至丧失主角地位。一些后起的主角经济发展、政策适当,发生跳跃式的发展,以致后来居上。有的国家原本不是主角,但后来实力强大了,能够制约国际关系,特别是能制约大国之间的关系,那么,这个国家就会成为世界政治格局中的一极。一旦主角力量消长及实力对比发生变化,世界政治格局也会随之发生变化。






过一个弘扬中 * * 尊长辈、知感恩、讲诚信、尚节俭美德的“中国年”。今年春晚的许多小品如:《美好时代》、《“聪明”丈夫》和《还钱》等都从不同角度向人们展示了为人处世要讲“诚信”这一道理。春晚小品主题如此鲜明,意味着[ ]





















Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years. Some say the ancient Sumerians were the first civilization to keep fish in ponds more than four thousand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins.

Keeping fish at home in small water tanks called aquariums is extremely popular today. And everyone seems to enjoy visiting huge public aquariums that have opened around the world.

By the middle of the eighteen hundreds, science had shown that plants, fish and other sea creatures could survive together under water. So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for the fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums.

The first aquariums opened in London, England in 1853. in the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States. By 1928, there were about forty-five public aquariums.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has been recognized as the first aquarium in the United States and it shows visitors the underwater life in the bay. The Georgia Aquarium opening in 2005 says it is the largest in the world. It has more than one hundred thousand sea animals in thirty million liters of water including two whale sharks---the world’s largest fish.

Another aquarium re-opened in 2005 in Camden, New Jersey. The Adventure Aquarium first opened in 1992. It spent about fifty million dollars expanding its building and improving its exhibits.

Aquariums provide the public with many chances to experience life under the sea. They can be found in most areas of the world. People might even want to start an aquarium at home and join the millions of people around the world who keep fish as pets.

小题1:Which aquarium opened again after its rebuilding ?

A.The Monterey Bay Aquarium.

B.The Adventure Aquarium.

C.The Georgia Aquarium.

D.The first aquarium in London.小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned to have kept fish as pets?

A.The ancient Sumerians.

B.The ancient Romans.

C.The Chinese.

D.The ancient Indians.小题3:Which of the following is correct?

A.People were not interested in fish until the middle of the eighteen hundreds.

B.The Moneterey Bay Aquarium is regarded as the best aquarium in America.

C.Plants, fish and other sea creatures could not survive together under sea.

D.People have to change the water in a tank frequently for the fish to live there.小题4: The passage is written mainly       .

A.to tell people the importance of keeping fish as pets

B.to explain why people want to visit aquariums

C.to let people know the development of the aquariums

D.to describe different aquariums小题5:What does the underlined word “aquariums” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Exhibition centres where people can watch and enjoy different species of fish.

B.Small boxes made of glass, where people keep fish in, usually at home.

C.Places which shows visitors the underwater life in the bay.

D.Places which provides the public with many chances to experience life under the sea.


章书记______地总结了这次抢险救灾的过程,并强调既要总结经验,更要吸取教训,避免______。 依次填入划横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )

A.言简意赅 重蹈覆辙

B.要言不烦 前车之鉴

C.言近旨远 覆车之鉴

D.简明扼要 一错再错
