A punctual person is in the habit of doi



A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.

The unpunctual man, on one hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name. A lost thing may be found again, but lost time can never be regained. Time is more valuable than material things. In fact, time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable asset (财产) as well as other’s. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters, or return calls or keep appointments promptly. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and seldom complains of want of it. He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.

Failure to be punctual in keeping one’s appointments is the sign of disrespect towards others. If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time, he keeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.

Unpunctuality, moreover, is very harmful when it comes to do one’s duty, whether public or private. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.

小题1:What does the author think is the main difference between a punctual person and an unpunctual person?

A.A punctual person does everything ahead of time while an unpunctual person does everything behind schedule.

B.A punctual person does everything at the right time while an unpunctual person seldom does anything at the correct time.

C.A punctual person has a lot of appointments while an unpunctual person has few appointments.

D.A punctual person has much time to do everything while an unpunctual person has little time to do anything.小题2: According to the passage, the main reason that a person is always unpunctual is that _______.

A.he has more work to do than other people

B.he is always in a hurry when he works

C.he doesn’t care much about time

D.he always mismanages and wastes his time小题3:According to the third paragraph, when you are invited to dinner, you should arrive there _______.

A.after other guests have arrived

B.before all other guests

C.at the appointed time

D.after the host has got things ready小题4:Which of the following statements best describes the harm of unpunctuality?

A.If you are an unpunctual person, you cannot be in charge of any important task.

B.If your friends know that you are unpunctual, they may not see you again.

C.Unpunctuality may bring about heavy losses for both public and private affairs.

D.Unpunctuality may make you miss a lot of appointments and lose friends.


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实现中 * * 的伟大复兴,是中 * * 近代最伟大的中国梦。它成为一代又一代中 * * 优秀儿女为之牺牲、探索、奋斗的伟大追求。


“中国梦”为探索人类文明多样化发展道路开辟了更加光明的前景。成就“中国梦”,既是实现民族复兴的伟大历程,也是中国人民开拓、坚持和发展中国特色社会主义发展道路的伟大历程。中国特色社会主义道路是人类文明发展进程中具有中国风格、中国气派的一条康庄大道,不同于其他国家的现代化道路,是中 * * 的“人间正道”。


“中国梦”具有最大限度为实现国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福而凝聚人心的伟力,无论面对多少挑战、多大困难,始终以中 * * 深厚的文化积淀和历史智慧为底蕴,给人以希望、给人以信心、给人以力量。中国传统文化中有“舍生取义”“自强不息”“以和为贵”等精神特质,为中 * * 自立于世界民族之林提供了有力的精神滋养。今天,中国传统文化依然能以自己独特的魅力,助力中 * * 的伟大复兴,推动“中国梦”的实现。

材料三:“中国梦”与中 * * 党的当代使命

中 * * 的伟大复兴是当代中国人民的理想和追求,是一个鼓舞人心的目标和前景。百年奋斗历程,使中 * * 的命运同中 * * 党的命运已经紧紧地连在一起。要把中国的事情办好,关键取决于我们党,取决于党的思想、组织、作风和纪律状况,取决于党的战斗力和领导水平。面向21世纪的中 * * 党,能否担负起领导中 * * 伟大复兴的历史责任,这是我们党面临的又一次严峻考验。

