Women’s roles have changed throughout th



Women’s roles have changed throughout the world in recent years, but nowhere so obviously as in America .As the roles of women have changed ,so have men’s .In many American homes today ,the husband still carries on his traditional role of breadwinner ,while his homemaker wife is in charge of the home and child—raising. But it is more and more common to find that the children are left in day –care centers or nursery schools while both parents work .The woman may earn as much or more money than her husband. At home ,household duties are shared in varying degrees by all family members .It is not unusual to find father cooking dinner ,cleaning the living room or changing the baby .Mother might be outside mowing the lawn or washing the car .Children have responsibilities ,too .One of the goals of the Women’s Liberation Movement has been to have both men and women share in childcare, housework and financial responsibility. Today many American women will not marry a man who is not willing to share equally in household responsibilities.

The high cost of living has made it necessary for many women to have jobs outside the home ,but women often choose to have jobs in order to use their skills and education or to seek a more fulfilling and interesting life .Many American women enjoy the independence that an outside job and the salary give men and even some women—sometimes are not for women working outside the home ,and in some cases ,a woman might be paid less than a man who performs the same job .American women ,however ,have met challenges(挑战)since pioneer days ,and they continue to work for true equality.

45.Many American women go out to work in order to            .

A.earn enough money to support the family

B.make their husbands share in the housework

C.enjoy independence

D.get more money than their husbands

46.What does sex discrimination mean, EXCEPT            ?

A.It’s harder for women to get a same job as men

B.Women get less paid than men at the same position

C.Women do most of the housework

D.Women have jobs outside house

47.         for the women to win true equality.

A.It’s impossible         B.It takes a long time

C.It’s greatly successful      D.It’s not difficult

48.From the text we known          .

A.women’s roles in the world have changed a lot but men’s roles haven’t changed

B.American women continued to work for their true equality

C.in all areas of American men and women got paid equally

D.most women began to work outside the home


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长河公司是一家大型国有控股企业,该公司发生以下情况: (1) 2003年3月,公司董事长胡某主持召开董事会会议,研究进一步加强会计工作问题。 根据公司经理的提名,会议决定增设1名副经理主管财会工作,现任总会计师配合其工作。 (2) 2003年5月,公司会计科负责收入、费用账目登记工作的会计张某提出休产假。因会计科长出差在外,主管财会工作的副经理指定出纳员兼管张某的工作,并让出纳员与张某自行办理会计工作交接手续。 (3) 2003年9月,公司一供货商多次上门催要逾期货款,经公司董事长胡某同意,会计科长让出纳员开出一张35万元的转账支票给供货商。供货商向银行提示付款时,银行以长河公司的银行存款余额不足35万元为由予以退票。 (4) 2003年12月,公司产品滞销状况仍无根本改变,亏损已成定局。公司董事长胡某指使会计科在会计报表上做一些“技术处理”,确保“实现”年初定下的盈利40万元的目标。会计科遵照办理。 (5) 2004年2月,公司财务会计报告经主管财会工作的副经理、总会计师、会计科长签名并盖章后报出,公司董事长胡某未在财务会计报告上签章。 要求:根据上述情况和会计、金融法律制度的有关规定,回答下列问题:









